19 | Touch

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  Tobin let out a sigh of relief as she put away all her gear into the duffle bag. Another week of practice has gone by and it was finally time for a small, weekend break before the semi-finals on Wednesday. She couldn't believe their first year as a league had gone as well as it had. The crowds were pitiful in some, but better than expected in others. At least her and her friends weren't unemployed anymore .

Not to say the experience in PSG wasn't more than enough for Tobin. She loves Paris, and what the city has to offer for the sport she loves. She even managed to keep a fling going with a girl on the team.
It didn't matter now though. They both knew it was a fling and have left it under the radar of their teammates and everyone around them. They don't talk anymore, but Tobin did enjoy the small distraction from her past failed relationships. The fling made it feel as if she was finally doing something right, because it didn't blow up in her face and she enjoyed it.

Zipping up her bag, she pulled it onto her shoulder and scanned the locker room. It was empty except for Alex and Allie chattering in the corner. Tobin rolled her eyes and she heard them giggle, looking towards Tobin.

"What now?" Tobin replied to their giggles and thumbs pointing at her.

"Well..." Allie and Alex stepped forward, closing the large gap between their friend in long strides. "Alex and I were thinking you could use... Someone. You know, like a date?"

Tobin rolled her eyes yet again. She didn't need that. That's the last thing she needed. All she managed to do with relationships was fuck them up big time. The only relationship that's ever turned out fine was with Alex.

She rubbed her forehead at her friends, letting out a sigh "Guys, the last thing I need is that. I'm really busy alright?"

"With Christen?" Alex perked up.
"With Servando?" Tobin smirked back as the forward blushed and backed down.

"Hey! At least their in a relationship. It's not like your and Chris's little dancing around the bush thing." Allie chuckled as she defended Alex.

Tobin shook her head and started to head out.

Before she managed to get away, Allie gripped her arm and pulled her back. Looking her up and down, Allie let out a sigh. "Okay okay. What are you doing tonight then?"

Tobin looked down sheepishly, knowing if she said the truth she'd be teased to death.

"Oh really?"
"Yup." Tobin nodded along.
"Are you sure, Tobin? So you wouldn't mind if we stop by your apartment later on?"

Tobin shifted away from Allie and groaned in frustration. "Well you can. But I won't be there."

"Yup. Gotta go!" Tobin made a run for the door but was blocked by Alex who was giving her a smirk and saying 'nuh-uh.'

Tobin tried to pushed Alex to the side but she didn't budge at all. "Alex Cmon-"

"Tobin sit." Allie called from behind her. She looked between Alex and Allie. She let out a sigh at her friends' stubbornness and put her duffle bag down, making her way towards a bench.

"What?" Allie looked down at Tobin, "you're acting like this is the worst thing ever."

Tobin shook her head and buried her face in her hands, "because it is!"

"Admitting your feelings isn't the worst thing ever."

Tobin looked up to Alex and Allie. They had their arms crossed, obviously no intention of letting Tobin get away without their little talk.

"No you're wrong. It is. Under my circumstances? I believe so. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for dinner." Tobin found her duffle bag again.

"Tell chris we're sorry for making you late to your dinner reservations!" Allie called as Alex and her giggled. Tobin slammed the door and walked out into the parking lot. She fumbled with her keys, trying to find the right one and finally managed to unlock her door. She slid in and closed it before backing up and then speeding off towards her apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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