16 | Face It

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A/N: y'all preath is rising more and more everyday I don't see how some of you don't ship it. But whatever floats your boat, I'm thriving.

***** THIRD POV *****

"You feeling alright?" Alex looked at Tobin with concern. Currently they were in a flight, heading back to their homes with a gold medal wrapped around their neck. And it felt good. It felt good for everyone. They had a big party, with some champagne as always. Tobin hoped that once she put that medal on her neck, the empty feeling would go away. It did no such thing.

"I'm good, you?"

"Tobin." Alex urged with more intensity in her eyes. The brown eyed girl wouldn't budge. She stared back at her with just as much intensity, hoping she'd drop it.
"Ok. Whatever, Tobin." Alex sighed sitting back on her seat. Tobin looked out towards the window. She of course couldn't believe they won the gold medal for their country, then again she could. This team brought everything they had and it showed; she was unbelievably proud.

Closing her eyes, she thought back to the celebration, and how Christen has stayed through it all. She didn't have to put her career on hold but she did. And that showed just how much she cared about this team even when she wasn't a part of it.


"Hey congrats." Christen came behind her in the back of the club they were celebrating in. Tobin had to get out of there, needed to breathe and take it all in so she went through the back door of the club, sitting on the steps outside the door.

"Hey thanks." Tobin smiled up at the girl coming to sit next to her. It was dark out now, and cold at that.

"Here." Christen extended her arm out, revealing Tobin's leather jacket. "You left it on your seat and I thought you might need it."

Tobin gratefully took it and wrapped it around her shoulders then put her arms through the arm holes, remembering her grandparent's superstition that this leather jacket brought good luck. Especially good luck in her love life. Apparently that's what it did for her grandparents.

"Thanks. Here, take a seat. I can't believe you stayed until the final." Tobin smirked and scooted over. Christen sat down and rested her hands on her lap.

"Yeah well.. I knew you guys would win this." She smiled brighter than the sun.

"Yeah..." Tobin sighed in content and took another swing of her beer. She didn't usually drink but tonight seemed to make an exception. "Want some?" She held up the glass towards the dark haired girl.

"Hm..." She seemed to think about it. "No. I don't think so."

With Tobin's confidence being boosted with the booze she was drinking, she decided to finally ask the question that was on her mind since the last time they went out to celebrate.


"Hm? Why what?" Christen asked.

"Why don't you want to drink? You never do." She took another sip. "You always decline, yet still come out to the club with us. Like... Even in the World Cup you didn't drink and we had a lot to celebrate there!" Tobin giggled and let out a small hiccup.

Christen would've gotten a bit more irritated if it hadn't been for her friend's hiccup and giggle. But she sighed, and decided to face it.

"It's complicated- well it isn't. See my grandparents-" Tobin leaned on Christen shoulder, feeling a bit light headed. The grey eyed girl giggled at the gesture, and decided to let the drunk girl be. 'At least you won't remember me telling you this' Christen thought as she looked down at Tobin.

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