13 | Best Friend

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***** CHRISTENS POV *****

"Come on christen! We'll have a good time. It's only at my friend's apartment. You need to relax."

My teammate a/n: these names are totally made up, they're not officially in the real life club in Sweden) Cari insisted.

New country, new me right? If I had been back in the states, I would have declined by now. But she's right, I need to relax and that's why I came here in the first place. I need to start again.

"Okay okay. I'll go to your little hang out session. Promise you'll keep me company?" I asked.

"Of course! Why else would I invite you?" She giggled and ran off towards her car.

Exhausted, I climbed into my car and drove home. The first thing I did once I reached my small apartment was get my mail.
Just bills, and a letter; most likely the letter was from my family yet again.

The apartment door closing caused an echo through the small empty apartment. I had a living room, bedroom with furniture, but it still lacked people. It was always so quiet here. I really didn't know anybody other than my teammates, and most of them were Swedish so they had other friends and family of their own to spend time with.

My phone buzzed and I was thankful. Texting or calling was the only other human contact I had outside of the soccer club.

T: Skype? I don't know- we haven't talked in a while.

I smiled slightly. Tobin actually wanted to keep in touch with me. Usually when people say it, they just say it to be nice. Tobin is one of the few people who has actually texted, called, or skyped me first in order to keep in touch. It was usually me always reaching out to others to talk. I don't know why she was like this instead, but I was glad. It made me feel special, even though I knew I really wasn't. She probably does this with a ton of her other friends after they split their separate ways.

C: Hm... Thought you had a date with Alex tonight?

She replied back almost instantly like always.

T: Hm... Change of plans. She said she has a meeting with someone or something. I don't know. She said it was with a family friend. Since we're in D.C for camp again, they wanted to meet up.

C: oh? You're fine with that?

T: I mean it's not like she's going out on a date with someone else. Just a friend.

C: just like you and her were "friends"? Haha.

T: Ha... Shut it. Skype or not?

C: I mean, I guess.

T: if you're busy that's fine.

C: I'm just kidding! I live alone in a small apartment. Do you really think I'm busy?

T: well... I never know. You could be busy with some guy... In a small apartment ;)

C: no!

T: maybe...

C: ok ok. I'm skyping you right now. Hush.

T: :)

---calling Tobin Tobito---

The screen was filled with Tobin's face. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing an old hoodie. I think it was the one she let me borrow that one time.

"Long time no see press." Tobin said. She was chewing on something.

"Yeah yeah. It's been a couple of weeks. Sorry." I shook my hair through with my hands. Tobin just lifted an eyebrow.

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