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Tobin took a long swing of her gatorade before setting it down next to her empty table. Everything felt empty. The apartment was way too quiet since Alex moved out and decided to go back to her family's place in Florida. That's right, Alex was now officially all the way across the country. It's been a lonely month... And Tobin couldn't help but want to reach out to the one person she knew was in town- Skyler. But she couldn't do that. Not to herself or Skyler anyways. It was old news. Tobin did miss her. She was a good companion.

Being too lonely, with Christen ignoring her calls recently and Kling being out in the east coast for family, she decided maybe friendship could start with Skyler.

Shrugging, she picked up her phone and dialed it. It took a few rings, but eventually, the familiar voice filled the empty apartment.

"Tobin?" The other line said, "what- i. Are you okay?"

Tobin grinned a little, thinking how Skyler was probably freaking out right now. For all she knew, Tobin didn't want anything to do with her.

"Yeah... I just... Uhm... Are you in Portland? Still?"

A slight cough came from the phone. Nervous maybe? "Yeah... Why? Do you need something?" Skyler said a little shyly.

Tobin paced back and forth, maybe this was a bad decision.

'No this is just for friendship' thought Tobin, 'people can be friends with exes right? I mean I'm doing it with Alex... Me and her are great. We're better than ever...'

But then Tobin thought back as to why Skyler and her broke up. And she thought about how harsh it was. And then she compared it to Alex- who was understanding and both ended on good terms, agreeing to keep their friendship afloat and healthier. Sure, sleeping with someone could be an awkward situation. But if Tobin was honest, she knew maybe a fourth of the team had probably slept together. Alex and her would be fine.

Off topic, Tobin was thinking too much about this and she realized she hasn't said anything in a solid ten seconds.

"Uh. Well... I was wondering if you'd like to get something to eat with me? It's lunch time and I thought about going to that place you liked." Tobin smiled a little, remembering the memories they had made there.

The other line was silent until she spoke again. There was so shuffling in the background.

"Oh! Uh... Yeah. Ok! Sorry I'm at work right now but I'm sure I could get off. Do you need a ride?" Skyler said enthusiastically. There was some muttering in the background. Phones were ringing and printers were making noise. Yup. She was definitely at work.

"Yeah. That'd be great thanks." Tobin sighed out and finally said her goodbyes as she tried to compose herself and look at least half decent.

About fifteen minutes later, Skyler was at her door, holding two cups of coffee. Her hazel eyes met Tobin's with a smile.

"Here, thought you'd need a head start. It's a Jack Frost, just how you like it." Skyler smiled and handed the coffee over.

Tobin nodded and invited her in, taking the coffee and giving it a sip before she closed the door.

"Man... This place is empty..." Skyler looked around and sipped her coffee.

"Yeah well... Haven't really had time to buy some furniture." Tobin let out a small chuckle, "it's not easy to decide on couches. What if they don't go with the drapes? Or a second piece couch?"

Skyler rolled her eyes at the girl beside her, examining the apartment more, "only you would have an empty apartment just because you can't pick out furniture."

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