14 | Silences

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***** TOBINS POV *****
--- 1 month later ---

"Cross cross!"

I looked up to find Alex waving an arm. My left foot came over to the ball and stroke it in a forceful manner. I had to admit, it was pretty good. The shot went long so Alex could run to it.
She always liked her shots long.

"Goal!" Ali screamed behind me.

We hugged and laughed. Practice was finally over after a long day. I couldn't believe our Semi game was in two days. I was really looking forward to earning another gold in my books.

"Good job." Alex came over, wiping sweat of her forehead, "keep that up and we're headed for gold in no time." She beamed at me, but didn't say or do anything else.

She admitted she didn't want our relationship public. Nobody on the team knew other than Kelley and Christen. We agreed to keep it like that, only one close friend could know. Alex was actually supposed to meet my parents after the Olympics. I guess it's been four months of us "being together" and they had a right to know, and should know, if we were getting serious. Alex said it wasn't a good idea, but I insisted. We still haven't come to an agreement.

It was strange. I could never really tell what we were getting into with Alex. One day she'd be super clingy to me, bombarding me with kisses. The next, she'd completely ignore me and go meet up with an old family friend who was in Germany now. Apparently they had come to watch Alex.

"Let's hit the showers." Ali cringed at Alex, wiping the air around her. "You guys stink."

Alex rolled her eyes and looked over at me, still smiling. I smiled back. I guess she was clingy and happy today. Who knew what tomorrow would bring.

"So Christen is coming for the semis." I smiled, telling Alex. Sometimes I feel like I rambled on too much about Christen, and how good of a friend she is. But Alex never said anything about it bothering her. So I continued.

"Yeah?" She gave me a soft smile and raised a skeptical look at me.

"Yeah." I smiled, looking down at my feet.

It felt like forever since Christen and I had seen each other. I would've thought we would've lost touch after the distance, but it only seemed to bring us closer. Since all we could do while being away from each other was talk, that's all we did. We didn't get to do any activities to distract us from talking with the space between us, or to fill in the silences. We had silences, and they were always comfortable. I don't think I've ever talked as in depth and randomly with anybody like I have with Christen. We talked about our day, but that was the only small talk we ever had. After that, we continued with our inside jokes and talked about life in general.

It was stranger how even when Alex was my "best friend" we never talked like this. Sure we laughed, but never as hard, but never as loud, but never as long. Sure we had conversations, but never as deep, but never as spontaneous, but never as eager.
It didn't bother me though. Alex was my girlfriend and that was enough. I had her for making out. That's what girlfriends are for. Just kidding... Well not really.
And I had christen as my 'official best friend' and that's what best friends were for, talking and advice.

"You guys have gotten close huh?" Alex said as she made it up to her hotel room. I basically only spent my time in my own room with Kelley whenever Alex was out. I talked to christen then, since our time-zones weren't that drastic. Only two hours or so. Other than that, I spent my time in Alex's room.

"Yeah. She's been really supportive of us this entire time, I think we should do the same for her. If she wants to play and live in Sweden, she should." I nodded along as Alex quickly discarded of her shirt. I looked over her toned back that was facing me. Sometimes it was hard to not touch her.

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