10 | Back At It

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A/N:man you guys sure are mixed.. Some talex shippers, some preath, some in between. I had already decided who the end game is in this book was going to be since the minute I started writing it. Sorry if I disappoint some. Thank you for reading the story and kudos to you if you read this through regardless of the ship! I'm trying my hardest to make this story interesting and enjoyable for everyone. Thanks again!

***** TOBINS POV *****

-----3 weeks later-----

The champagne popped with a loud bang. The middle of a dinning hall wasn't exactly the place to start popping champagne but Pinoe had insisted on sneaking her own champagne into this restaurant. Which she did, I have no idea how.

"Ok ok! Settle down. Cheers to us winning the semi-finals! Wambach! You saved our asses and I could not be more grateful to you. Let's celebrate!" Pia yelled. We were all seated in a very long table the dinning hall had to put together.

During the past few weeks, Alex had listening to me and given me space. Once I told her what happened with Skyler, she immediately apologized. I don't know what for. If she said something before about Christen or Skyler or me, it was clearly in her mind and she's allowed to speak it.

After that apology though, she had gotten closer to me once again. I found myself spending time with her again, along with kelley and christen. The butterfly feeling at the pit of my stomach I had gotten when we kissed wasn't there anymore, and I was somewhat grateful for that. Because now I could look into her blue eyes and maintain eye contact without throwing up. I mean that in a good way. I could look along the details of my best friend's face once again and smile. Everything seems to be going back to normal.

I know we still have to talk about what happened though. But not now. Not when we're this close to our ultimate goal.

Tonight we were going to go clubbing after dinner. Everyone would be dressed up and ready to party, but not too hard of course. The final match was in a week.

"Hey want to ride with me and Pressy?" Kelley mumbled beside me, her mouth full of some sort of salad.

I've been playing around with my food, Alex staring at me the entire time in front of me.

"Toby? You ok?" Alex reached over to nudge my plate a bit.

I looked up, "Huh? Yeah. Yeah I guess just nervous."

"So do you?" Kelley said. This time Christen looked over on my right from behind Kelley to hear my answer. Cheney and Amy were seated to my left, mindlessly chatting and chewing their dinners.

"Uh... Yeah. Sure. Can Alex come with?" I looked over towards Christen. She shrugged and nodded. I know they never really invited her with us, but I'm guessing it was just because it was already a known fact she would come. After all, kelley, alex, and I were a three tight pack. I've been trying to verbally invite her though, I get why she thought she was being replaced. I had been avoiding her. But I wasn't replacing anyone. Christen just happened to keep running into me.

Alex smiled. We finished our dinner and headed back to our hotel rooms.

"So... Have you and Alex talked yet? You know about the thing..." Christen said. We were in the middle of changing. I was pulling a white shirt over my head. It was flowing, simple but fancy.

"Um... No."


I turned around. Christen was still rummaging through her closet to find a dress. I swear she brought at least ten.

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