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The last was I hear was Y/n!!! From luhan and tfboys.

luhan P.O.V

,,y/n!!! y/n!!!" I  scream. The doctor says that I should go away. What the f***. What can I  do. ,,Sit here and do nothing. If you do something it would be more  complicated for us." The doctor says. ,, Ok." I answer. They went to the operation room.Did he hear me?  Ach is not important. What important is y/n. We are in the hospital.  We went out but I can't follow my sis because she has to go to the op  room. I'm so worry about Y/n. I can't sit here I have do something but  the doctor say that I have to stay here. I hate it when I can't do  something.

tfboys come to me.  They arrive degree. I tell it all to they and i call my parents.

,, we miss you so much my son long time no hear you." My parents say.i tell it them what happens and we cry. ,, i miss you too but it was the only thing what we can  done, but it can end now because Y/n is a star now we can stay together now. we take a little bit and i end the call.

The doctor comes out.

Doctor= D;l: luhan; wangjunkai= J; wangyuan=y ; yiyangqianxi=q

D: Are you Y/n brother?

L: yes im Y/n brother.

J: how is Y/n now?

D: Y/n are right, but she have to rest now. oh i forgot something to say. Y/n have something bad. if she not happy she could forget all memories or if she is so sad she would be die because she have something in her heart she cant withstand sad feeling and angry feelings. if she can stay 1 year her heart would be better and can feel all feeling but now she hav to feel happy feelings.

Y: Ok so we have to make her happy.

D: yes  you have.

Q: if we can't  make her 1 year happy than she would died.

L: ok we know it. when we can pick her to home?

D: Tomorrow. But if you want you can stay a night with her.

L: i will stay a night i go and take my stuff.

the doctor go

J: we will wait here for you.

L: ok.

i say and went home to take my stuff and the rest from the 3 wait. They wait and wait...

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