I will always protect you (human sans x reader)

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Your POV:
Sans and I have been friends for a long time. He asked me out on a date and I said yes. Now I'm in my room at the skelebro's house making a decision on what I should wear. After all the hours of me doing the date things I need to do, I went downstairs and saw a very handsome sans waiting for me at the living room.

San's POV:
I heard someone going down the stairs, when I looked at who was going down my jaw dropped and my saliva was going down my mouth. Wait was I drooling?!

"Hi sans!" She smiled happily.
"Wow, you're...hot." She blushed really really red maybe redder than the color of blood- I said that out loud... Uughh.
"S-sorry, k-kid."

"It's alright sans. Now are we going or are you jist going to drool at me?"

"Ok, let's go on our date sweetheart." I held out my hand for her to grab then we went on our date to grillby's.

Author's POV:
After your fate with sans at grillby's, sanshad eleported you to a waterfall filled with echo flowers. Sans led you to a echo flower and told you to listen. As you listen you realize it was a leyer from sans for you.
"Dear (y/n),
This might sound cheesy so...heh. Ok, (y/n), I have felt really happy being around you. Whenever you aren't near or with me I feel that if anything happened to you that it was all my fault that I wasn't there to protect you. Afer all these times that we hung out, I've felt something inside me grow just for you. This something was...love. I understand if you don't like me back, cuz you might have someone else in your mind. But, I just wanted to let you know because I can't keep his a secret to anyone...even you. So just understand that if you need me I'll be there in a flash, heh literally. So if you do have someone else in you mind they better not hurt you or they will have a bad time. (Y/n) I love you."
"Sans, you-"
"(Y/n), it's fine if-" you cut him off by kissing his lips.
"Sans, I love you too!" San's smile grew bigger.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"YES SANS, YES!" You kiss him and you both smile at the kiss. You both pulled apart from the kiss.
"This is the best day ever!" You say as you lay down in the grass with sans next to you with his hand above yours.

"I will always protect you"

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