Our Dying Love (Crosstale Sans x reader)

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"I had to. Or he could have taken you away FrOm Me!"

"What happened to the Cross that I know?!"

"Well his long gone, hun. That goody two shoes is gone for"

He laughed, leaving you in tears. Thinking how did this happen.

"Hey Cross"
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Sure Burger pants"
He whispered into his ears and his eyes widen. He took out his big knife and sliced him. Everyone who saw. Just stood there and got killed. While the others tried to run to tell you. But still got killed. You saw everything that he did. And ran away. All the sans stood there. Trying to block him. But failed.

You can't walk the streets at night,
You're way too short to get on this...
No I'm not (×2)
They're tryna tell me that I,

I gotta be home when the street light glow.
You can't watch your tv show
I will watch what I wanna watch-

Cross stabs you. Giving him your last final words of hate.

You collapse in the floor with the other Sans. Hoping to have peace. Once you go up there....

Requested by: OreosAndAvocados
Sorry had writer's block and kind of made Criss a yandere. But I hope you still liked it.

Undertale OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora