Chapter 3

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I quickly look around her old bedroom to see if I can bring anything with me. Luckily Berly has already put my suitcase in the room so I grab my beanie while pulling it on my head I tuck my hair in, and just in case I grab a jacket and pull the hood over. My hair, which slightly passed my shoulders, wasn't showing and I was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark grey shirt so I  guess I could pass as a male. Just in case I grab my pocket knife ,which I never leave home with so why leave them now. Okay. I'm ready. I light the candles above each bed and I silently say good bye to my Nana, and family.

I sit in the middle of the floor and did exactly what I did six years ago. I believed.

Suddenly it got dark. All of the candles had been put out by a sudden gust of wind. With out a moments notice, I was flying.. I wanted to scream so bad, but the city looked so beautiful especially with the night sky over it. Suddenly I began to fall. Yes, I started screaming.

Nana Wendy's POV

"Where is that girl, she's been in that room for a bloody long time."

"I'll go check on her, Wendy." She says trying to smile.

"Don't stay in there to long yourself, my dear."

She smiles with a nod.

"She's just afraid Mom. That you're leaving you know."

"I don't want her to be."

"I know." He says back to me softly.

"She's gone!"

"What?!" I rise out of my bed looking around.

"Mom, calm down!"

"I looked everywhere she's not even outside!"

"She's gone on her adventure." I whisper.

"What Mom?"

"What adventure?"

"A quiet big one." 

It was no use. There was no way we could get Hazel back.

 || Anyone enjoying? If not my friend is writing a Connor Franta fanfiction and you should definitely check it out. It's called More Than Words :)

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