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It had been a good but busy couple of days. Three females had given birth to a total of 21 new pack members. Jake and Celestial were taking time to visit the new mothers and to get a look at the new arrivals. Right away Jake identifies 12 new warriors.

Today was training day and Celestial was ready to let a little frustration out. Jake was excited to see what Celestial could do.

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"I want you to keep your claws uncovered."

Celestial nods not happy about Jake's request. Celestial had to remind herself that this was for the best and it would make the pack stronger.

In the training area Celestial growls.
"Shift! You have no chance against me if you don't."

Sam had tried to attack but was thrown to the side by Celestial's tail. He wasn't injured just surprised.

Jake shifts and stands across from Celestial he links to her.
*I know we are mates, but I want you to hold nothing back. Think of me as your enemy.*

Celestial growls and nods. She hisses loudly as she lets her long sharp teeth show.

Jake approached Celestial with deliberate and careful movement. Celestial watched his movement and waited for a opening, when she seen one she attacked snapping her jaws at his side. Jake reacts by pushing her nose to the ground and flipping over her to set up for a attack from behind. Celestial had anticipated this and using her back claws catches his legs making Jake fall on his back. In the blink of an eye Celestial was over him growling.

Jake holds up his hands shifting to his human.
"Whoa. Ok you got me. If my dream is correct then we may have a threat that is just as capable as Luna."

Celestial stops and steps back as Jake explains the situation to the others in the training.

Celestial nods and says.
"We also have the ability to breathe fire. It is a last line of defense. Once we use up our fire we are defenseless."

As Jake was about to respond the speaker has a voice ring out.
"Jake this is tracking station 5. Inbound detected heading to your location, eta 45 minutes. Radar signature indicates a large interstellar craft. Unknown if it is a warship radar signature is same size as two C-130 together."

Celestial's eyes open wide and she says looking at Jake.
"That is a transport. No external weapons but it has weapons on board."

Jake nods in understanding. The weapons on board was a concern for Jake especially if there is others on the transport.

Celestial looks at Jake and smiles.
"The transports can be piloted by one. The computers on board can actually take off, fly and land. So if there is only one on board it doesn't matter. The only thing is there is no way to tell how many are on board, it is designed to mask the heat signatures of anyone or anything on board."

Jake nods he was worried about there being more than one on that ship. Just then the speaker comes to life again.
"Jake tracking station 3 just reported that heat signature detected, only one on the ship. Tracking stations 2 and 4 confirm. We will try to keep you updated, eta of arrival at your location 20 minutes."

Celestial looks at Jake and smiles.
"Are you ready? Remember that a overwhelming force can confuse and distract."

Jake nods and says with a smile.
"Silver Star pack, let's go time to play." Jake looks at Celestial and says. "Time to let the beast free." Jake's eyes turn black as he shifts, he howls as he runs out the door. Celestial and the pack following.

Here we go! Jake is ready to defend his mate and family.
James was about to land his ship, only thing is there anyone else on that ship?

I wonder what is going to happen?

Read on to find out. And as always remember to vote and comment. I truly appreciate everyone.


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