A New Life Begins

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It's been three months since the war, all the rogue packs have either joined the alliance packs or set up in a territory as alliance members. Because of the addition of the former rogue packs, the alliance changed names. It is now The Pack Alliance World Security Forces, or PAWS. Jake and Celestial were head of PAWS, it took time but peace soon filled the world between the packs. The humans had been trying to ignore the peace that had come of it.
Finally the General of NATO and the European union requested a meeting with Jake and Celestial. Jake's reply was simple and to the point. It would be at their convenace and where they wanted. Two weeks later Jake sends word that the meeting would be held at PAWS on 7/15 that year. The date was 7/12/ 2019, giving NATO and the European union three days to arrive.

The day of the meeting Jake, Celestial and three other wolves were waiting for the arrival of the NATO General and the European union leaders. When they arrived they were taken by armored vehicle to the meeting location.

NATO General
"My god! PAWS is massive."

European union leader
"I agree, it looks bigger than the European union. How many packs are there?"

"That is classified information."

General of NATO
"I would like to know. That way I know what we are dealing with."

"General, after what I've seen humans do to what they fear or don't understand. You will never know that, unless you prove yourself worthy."

Leader of the European union
"I can understand why you say that. Perhaps this meeting is the first step towards proving ourselves worthy."

"This meeting is not to discuss if you are worthy or not. This meeting is at your request."

Both the European union leaders and General of NATO nod. They discuss how using the methods PAWS is using has created peace and if humanity could do the same. After the meeting all three sides take their leave and return to their normal routines.

*16 months later*

The children of Jake and Celestial had found their mates and set up territory of their own. Through hard work and dedication peace soon filled the world. But it wasn't a true peace, there still was tension between the humans and everyone knew true peace wasn't obtainable between the humans. The greed of human nature wouldn't allow it to happen. Logan and his mate had two, a boy and a girl. Everything seemed to be going well until one day news came of a new threat. A race of serpent like humanoid creatures made themselves known and their intentions were taking over earth.

But that is for another story.

Thank you for reading. I truly appreciate all the votes, comments, and for reading.
Have a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.


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