The Council

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Jake was sitting with Victor on the porch talking about nothing in particular while they enjoy another beer. One of the farm workers comes over and says.
"Alpha, motion sensors have been triggered in zones one, three, four and five."

Jake nods and gets up, with a growl he says.
"I'm sure it's the council, probably wanting to start something again. Prepare for attack." The worker nods and says.
"Right away Alpha." He goes to a small box on the side of the house and pushes a button, an alarm starts blaring as a voice comes over the speakers.
"All staff, intruders detected prepare for attack."

Celestial had heard the alarm she got up to go help but one of the other Lunas grabs her hand.
"It's not safe for us to be outside the house. There's plenty of males that are strong warriors. Including your mate Jake. Has he told you his secret about his hidden warrior?"

Celestial sits down and shakes her head.
"No, he hasn't said anything about it. How is it that you know and I don't?"

She smiles and says.
"Because I have seen it, and let me tell you it is scary. If he ever become part dragon he would become a devastating force that nothing could stand against and survive."

Celestial nods and says with a small amount of fear in her voice.
"I made him part dragon. Is he going to go crazy?"

The other females chuckle and shake their heads.
"No he won't go crazy. But he is something that the council wanted to prevent."

Celestial looks at the other females with confusion.
"What do you mean something the council wanted to prevent?"

One of the females nods and says.
"There is a prophecy that speaks of a werewolf that becomes part dragon. This prophecy says that this werewolf dragon is the key to bring all the packs together as one. No more wars between packs, no hate, only peace and prosperity. The council doesn't want that to happen, if it happens there is no longer any need for the council. Although we all agree that the council is responsible for most of the hatred and violence between the packs."

Celestial listens as the female explains the prophecy. Celestial nods in understanding, it finally made sense why Jake had such a distrust of the council and why so many packs had joined forces with him. Pieces of this puzzle that Celestial called her mate were finally starting to fall into place. Because of her and James being from the same planet, she could contact him through a link.
"James, it me Celestial. Listen the prophecy from our planet is true, and I am the one who made it come to pass."

James links back to Celestial.
"Seriously? What do you need from me? I am ready and willing to serve you Luna, ask and I shall do as you request."

Celestial links back to James.
"Get the weapons from the ship you arrived in and meet me at my current location. And make it fast, shit is about to hit the fan."

James links back.
"On my way Luna, I should be there in about five minutes. I brought the experimental long range energy rifle. Yes Celestial we got it working, I hope your mate is ready for this."

James arrives, he puts the long range energy rifle in Jake's hands.
"Alpha, this weapon is our most advanced technology. Use it to protect our family and friends."

Jake nods and sets up, looking through the scope he sees rogues running through the fields. Taking aim he slowly pulls the trigger, a beam of blue light races from the rifle to it's target. The rogue falls, as the others continue forward. A computer voice from the rifle says.
"Target eliminated, distance..1.75 miles. Next target distance is 1.6 miles away." Jake nods and takes aim, another rogue falls. Jake was impressed with the rifle, it was completely silent and extremely accurate. The energy rifle he had developed was no where near this one. Jake was targeting another rogue when he sees the council behind the advancing rogues. Jake growls and says.
"Listen up, the council has turned against us. They are the ones who have sent the rogues."

James growls and takes aim, three rapid shots three rogues fall.
"The council has fallen, they are now the enemy. Eliminate all threats to the safety of our packs and family."

The others look at Jake waiting for his orders, Jake growls and says.
"Don't just stand there like a bunch of fucking idiots. You heard him, eliminate the threat."

With a nod the others take aim and fire, dozens of blue and purple beams race to their target as the others deal with the rogues Jake takes aim at the head council man, the computer says.
"Target selected, distance to target is 2.5 miles, ready to fire when ready."

Jake nods and pulls the trigger less then a second later the council man falls. Before Jake could take another shot a rogue attacks James, James hold him off and says.
"Fucking bastard!" James shifts to his dragon and rips the rogue apart, James growls and charges out to attack the rogues. Jake takes aim and drops another rogue, with James and other pack members mixed in with the rogues Jake had to be sure of each shot. Falling back on his sniper training he picks off one rogue after another. It doesn't take long to force the surrender of the rogues, the remaining council members were in shock as they look at the fallen council member. Getting their hands tied behind their backs the council members were brought to the farm house and put on wooden chairs, they were then tied to the chairs, one of the males growls and says.
"Alpha Prime will deal with you. Pray he shows mercy."

It appears that the council has turned against Jake and all the packs. The ones chosen to help have become the enemy. I wonder what Jake is gonna do to them?

Thank you for reading and pleasure remember to comment and vote.


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