Chapter 13

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*26 Years ago
"Now listen Di-Di something else about men. It's very simple to manipulate them and as good as they are lies don't always get the job done." Kevin said.

"How Kevin?" Nadine asked.

"There are many ways to control men lies, emotions, flirtation, but a very easy and simple way is. Sex."

"I have to have sex with them?" Nadine asked.

"If you want, but a true manipulator doesn't need to lie or give a fool a damn thing other than false hope meaning he thinks he's going to have sex with you. You make him your trick and when you get what you want fuck him and forget him." Kevin said.

"But Kevin what if they're gay like you?" Nadine asked.

"Di-Di everyone can be brought remember that. Sometimes it's not sex it can be money, an object, a person, or a distraction. Now women and feminine gays are far more intelligent and perceptive than that but I've often found that blackmail, threatening something they care about, or a man are great ways to control them." Kevin said with confidence.

"Kevin do you love anyone?" Nadine asked.

Kevin sighed and said. "Di-Di there's gonna come a time when you realize you can only love yourself."

In the first floor of the school Joseph and Chante were speaking.
"It's ok you blew me off Joseph. You were with your mother." Chante said in a monotone.
"I know your disappointed baby but wait close your eyes." Joseph said.

"Why Joseph?" Chante asked.

"Do it." Joseph said.

"Fine." Chante said closing his eyes.

Joseph took the gold and ruby necklace out of the box and tied it around Chante's neck.
"What are you-" Chante opened his eyes and looked at the Ruby stone necklace and asked "Joseph is this real?"

Joseph sucked his teeth and said "What I look like giving my baby something fake?"

"Joseph rubies aren't diamonds but they expensive too, this is too much for me to accept." Chante said.
"It's yours baby I want you to have it, only bitches take back gifts, I got you a ruby because rubies are the birthstone of July that's your birthday but if you don't like I can get you something else." Joseph said.

"I like it Joseph but it looks really expensive how much was it?" Chante asked.
"Don't worry about it." Joseph said.

"Are you sure I can have it?" Chante asked.

"Yeah you deserve it." Joseph said.

"Thank you Joseph." Chante said hugging him.
Joseph picked Chante up and kissed him.
The bell rang and Chante said.
"I gotta show Derrick and Destiny bye baby."

"See you gorgeous." Joseph said.

"Derrick look at what Joseph got me!" Chante said.

"Is that real?" Derrick asked.

"Joseph said it was and I believe him." Chante said.

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