Chapter 22

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"Thanks for this Ron." Joseph said.

"Yes'm miss Daisy I-I-I drives yuh to-to pick up the churns and Ima sing em' negro spirituals on the way to de teaching stablishments." De'ron said.

"Yo shut the fuck up." Joseph said laughing.

"Forreal though, Nadine was acting weird when I saw her yesterday, like happy." De'ron said.

"I don't give a fuck, she happy cause she ain't gotta worry bout me no more." Joseph said getting out the car. "I'll be back."

"Hurry up! My family wanna see me Graduate too! My grandpa giving me a 100 dollars!" De'ron said.
Joseph braced himself before he opened the door and went in the house Cerise and Martin sat in the living room and Cerise jumped off the couch and hugged Joseph "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." Joseph said. "Wassup Marty."

"Hi." Martin said.

"You good man?" Joseph asked.

"Uh huh." Martin nodded. Cerise and Joseph went outside but before Joseph could leave "Hey Joseph." Nadine said coming downstairs.

"Wassup." Joseph said.

"Wherever you taking them have them back before dark. And I love you." Nadine said.

"Liar." Joseph said shutting the door.

While Joseph buckled Martin in he asked "Joe-Joe why didn't you say I love you too, to mommy?"

"Because I don't."

"Joe-Joe do you hate me?" Martin asked.

Joseph scrunched his face up "What? No! Why you ask that?" Joseph said.

"Did I make you mad at me?" Martin asked.

"No where the hell you hear that from?" Joseph said.

"Mommy said you hate me that's why you never coming back home." Martin said.

"Marty don't listen to anything she says I said unless I said it I can't hate you or Cerise I love you too much." Joseph said.

"Ok Joe-Joe." Martin said.

"Gimme a hug." Joseph said. Martin hugged Joseph and he smiled hard as did Joseph but inside Joseph was enraged.

"Joseph when we moving?" Cerise asked.

"Moving? Moving where?" He asked.

"Your new house."

Joseph thought a moment and said "You heard that arguement?"

"Yeah so when we leaving her dusty house?" Cerise asked.

"Cerise that's gonna take time I gotta save money up and then I gotta fight her for y'all in court it's gonna be hard as fuck." Joseph said.

"So never." Cerise said.

"You gotta be patient Cerise aight?" Joseph said.

"How long?!" Cerise said.

"When I get a place I gotta look into getting y'all alright?" Joseph said.

"Sure." Cerise said.

"Joe-Joe are you gonna get a house?!" Martin said.

"Yeah, he's gets out of warden Nadine's house meanwhile I gotta wait 7 more years to leave." Cerise said. Joseph had nothing to say.

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