Chapter 26

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2009 Khalid age 14
"Hey buddy do you want to go to the game with me and Gabe?" Carl asked referencing he and Alexis' son.

Khalid gave Carl a look of total disinterest and said "No I'll stay here."

"Ok Khalid." Carl said.

"He doesn't like me and he tolerates Gabriel." Carl said to Alexis.

"Carl honey, at this point I'm all he knows he has grown up in the system over half his life. If we adopt him."

"No! Alexis I feel for him really I do and I would adopt him but he doesn't like me." Carl said.

"He can change Carl." Alexis said.

"Or me and him will be at odds and so will you and I." Carl said.

Alexis was asleep and felt weight behind her and Carl cuddling up behind her "You're back Carl?" Alexis asked.


Alexis sprang up and turned to see Khalid "Khalid what are you doing?!"
"Getting in bed with you." He said.

"Khalid this is inappropriate get out of here now!" Alexis shouted.

"Alexis you're the only person that loves me and I love you I hurt myself for you." Khalid said.

"Get out Khalid, I don't love you l, you're a child!" Alexis said.

Khalid's heart shattered upon hearing those words from Alexis' mouth and ran out her room and her house.
Alexis felt terrible saying that to Khalid and chased after him but he was gone.

2010 Khalid age 15
Khalid sat outside the porch of his group home and signaled a boy to come over to him across the street when the boy did he immediately pulled the boy towards him.
"Khalid!" He said in surprise.

"How you been? I been thinking about you all day" Khalid said.

Between laughs the boy said "Khalid don't do that you scared me! Um I had a good day at school and I passed my French test with a 96 and I been thinking about you too."

"We boyfriends nigga ain't nobody out here I don't wanna ask but-"

The boy interrupted Khalid and said "I got some of my brother's weed for you."
"Thanks baby." Khalid said putting his hands in the boys crotch and rubbing his dick head. "Mmmmm Khalid I don't want to out here again." The boy said but his body said otherwise. "You can come by my house at 8:00 my mom isn't home gonna be home till 10:00."

"Oh baby I gotta talk to my social worker he wants me to get into a job program but I can come by at nine I promise." Khalid said. Khalid looked around and said get out of here before somebody see you."

"Ok 9:00 nigga." He said.

"9:00" Khalid said.

"Love you, Khalid." He said.

Once the boy left a girl came up and asked "Who were you talking to?"

"It ain't important I'm talking to my girl now." Khalid said.

The girl laughed and asked "You still coming at 8:00?"

"Hell yeah I been thinking about tasting my pussy all day." Khalid said rubbing her inner thigh. "But babe I gotta keep it short I gotta go to a job program with my social worker at 9:00."
"So late though?" She asked.

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