Chapter 24

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Chante was zipping up a bag and wondered if he forgot something, he rummaged in Joseph's duffle bag took his gun out Chante was daunted by the weight of the weapon and put it in the bag as well.

"Chante." Mr.Charles said opening his door.

"Yes sir?" Chante said.

"Listen bwoy mi know yuh want to visit Joseph but it's too dangerous." Mr.Charles said.

"But dad I want to be there when he wakes up!" Chante said.

"I'm guh fi guh be off tomorrow mi guh wid yuh." Mr.Charles said.

"Ok dad I love you." Chante said.

"I love you too." Mr.Charles said hugging his son and leaving his room.

Chante went to his father's room and looked out his window to watch his father's car drive away, Chante quickly brushed his teeth and showered. Before Chante opened the front door he said "I have to protect the three of them but first have to make peace."

"Mom can you please take me to see Joseph I wanna see if he's ok." Cerise asked.

"Cerise I can't stand to see him in the hospital like that." Nadine said.

"Mom can you just drop me off there?" Cerise said.

"No, how are you going to get back?" Nadine said.

"Just say you don't care mom." Cerise said.
"What?" Nadine said.

"Just admit you don't care because a real mother would be at the hospital and wouldn't leave the hospital." Cerise said.

Nadine slapped Cerise and said "Don't act like you grown cause your ass can be grown outside!" Nadine heard knocking on the door and she said "And get that fucking door!"

Cerise fumed as she marched to the door and Chante was there "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes." Cerise said.

"I want to check on your mother, see how she's holding up." Chante said.

"I don't know why you'd care about her she hasn't even seen him in four days Chante can you please take me to see him?" Cerise said.

"Of course, does Martin know?" Chante asked.

"No but I can't keep lying to him he keeps asking for Joseph." Cerise said.

"We just have to pray he wakes up soon." Chante said. "Is your mother awake?"

"You can say that, she's in her bed awake but never does anything." Cerise said.

"Ok." Chante said walking up the stairs he knocked on her cracked bedroom door and Nadine said "What?!"
"Um, ma'am it's me Chante."

(What does this bitch want?) "Come in." Nadine said.

"Hi Mrs.McMillan I wanted to see how you were holding up." Chante said.

"My baby is dying how do you think I'm doing?" Nadine said.

"I just wanted to check on you ma'am that's all and I wanted to talk to you also." Chante said.

"About what?" Nadine said.

"Two detectives came to talk to me a few days ago when I was with Joseph." Chante said.

Nadine looked shocked and said. "What were their names?"

"The lady's name was Rodriguez and I forgot the other one's but he was white." Chante said.
"Parker." Nadine said.

"Yes! That's his name!" Chante said.

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