Vic Imagine

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Anon: Howdy! :D I really adore you and your imagines, Can you do a Vic imagine? Where he's been neglecting/ignoring you alot lately, you talk to him about it, then to make it up to he plans this whole big fancy meal thing for the two of you and you dress up and everything but he doesn't show up so you sit alone and wait for ages and when you get home he's there with the boys, he forgot and when he tries to apologize you just start packing and he begs you too stay, fluffy ending <3

You sat in your apartment reading in your little chair in the corner of the living room. You were craving for your boyfriend, Vic, to get home but you were trying to ignore it. You knew that your hopes would just be disappointed when Vic got home and wouldnt touch you and barely acknowledge you. Its like he forgot you were there when you two were together now. You knew it could only go on like this for so much longer before you couldnt take it. But you just didnt know how to talk to him about this or anything else for that matter.

The front door of your apartment opened, pulling you out of your thoughts. Vic walked in and went straight to the kitchen. You got up and followed him. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around him from behind.

"Hey babe." You said kissing his neck.

"Hey." He replyed taking his sandwich and leaving you in the middle of the kitchen. Why was he acting like this!?

You went into your room and just lied down. Soon he came in and turned off the light and came into bed. You both lied on either side of the bed starring at the ceiling, completely awake. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the talk that was about to happen.

"Vic, I think we need to talk." You said, your voice cracked.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You're never home any more and even when you are we don't even really talk. I miss how it used to be when you couldn't shut us up around each other and we couldn't keep our hands off each other and-" You were cut off when he pressed his lips to yours. He wrapped you up in his arms and you started smiling into the kiss and so did he.

"I'm sorry darling, It's just lately things have been a little busy with the new album and all. I promise, things will be different. In fact how about tomorrow we get all fancied up and go to that really nice restaurant down he street. The one that we always used to talk about going too?" He said.

"Ok, I can't wait. Ok I will meet you there at 7 tomorrow then." You said.

"Ok." He said. You nuzzled your head into his chest and began to drift off into sleep. Right before you fell asleep you felt Vic kiss your head and mutter a "Goodnight darling."


You were almost ready to go to the restaurant to meet Vic. You had dressed in a tight deep purple dress that came a little bit above your knees. You had spent a lot of extra time doing your eye makeup which was a very dark smoky eye. You were wearing black heels, the heart locket that Vic had got you for your 2nd year anniversary, and a couple silver bangles to top it all off. You had made sure to wear the black lace underwear (Vic's favorite) just in case things get heated tonight :3 . You called for a taxi and were off to the restaurant to have your perfect evening with Vic.

2 hours later

You were so done. No you were past done! You waited for almost 2 hours and Vic never showed up. He stood you up. If he cared about you as much as he said he did then he would have remembered wouldn't he. And if he is lying about that then what else is he or will he lie about! You slammed open your door to find the rest of the boys laughing and drinking in your apartment, scratch that, Vic's apartment.

"Hey babe why are you all dressed- Oh shit." Vic said, his giggling stopping immediately. You walked into the bedroom and started packing your things.

"Oh my god babe , I'm so sorr-"


"Please don't leave me! I don't know what I would do without you! I love you so much. I really fucked up! I'm so sorry!" He began to tear up and you just slowed down and listened to him. You really didnt think he would have gotten this upset about you leaving. You thought he had stopped caring about you entirly. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes that you had been hiding.

"Please. I love you to much for you to go. Youre everything to me" He said brushing his knuckles against your cheek. He took your chin slowly as if asking permission, before bringing your lips to his is a passionate kiss

I'm so sorry darling." He said against your lips. He pulled away and you two just stared into each others eyes for a moment.

"I forgive you." You said. His face lit up and he hugged you.

"Thank you, I love you so much." He said into your hair.

A/N: Hope you liked it. Send me requests!

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