Chapter 5

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Lily's POV

The smoke wrapped around me and I could breathe. I squeezed me for every last drop of oxygen. I could see spots and I coughed.

I saw something in the smoke this time. It was a woman, an older woman. She had dark red hair and bright blue eyes. She was telling me something but I couldn't hear what see was saying. A hand was laid on her shoulder and her breathing picked up. I called out to her but she shook her head and mouthed 'go'. I saw something that shook me to the core; I saw big tears run down her face and something drip out of her mouth as her big, blue eyes fluttered shut. It was not the tear that will be engraved in my mind forever, it was the fact that her tears were a deep red and so was the thing that dripped for her mouth. It was blood.

I could no longer watch as the woman was pulled away from my sight. I stayed in that same spot for a while and watched as the fire creeps its way into the door. I was going to stop fighting it until I felt the pain.

I kicked and screamed trying anything to get it to go away. I could feel the fire going in to my body and my back started to burn. I screamed again but this time out of pain.

Everything was going black except for the pain. The pain was keeping me alive. I screamed as another burn rolled down my back.

"Lily, you need to wake up. Please, wake up. Landon, come here!" It was the urgency in her voice that broke through my terror

I blinked and looked up to see Chloe. I tried to say something but pain hit me again and I screamed. I felt tears slip from my eye.

"Lily!" I heard someone yell but this time I wasn't Chloe. It was Landon. I screamed as the pain escalated.

I felt arms go around me and I hit a rock hard chest. My crying went to hyperventilating and I arched my back and screamed again.

"Lily, look at me. Okay, only look at me!" Landon said. I slowly open my eyes and looked into Landon's black ones. Then everything stopped. My crying stopped, the pain stopped, and there was just Landon.

"That's right. Okay, breathe big, deep breaths for me."

His hand came up and wiped my tears from my face and not letting any emotion show on his own face.

Letting my eyes shut, I let myself relax into his arms. 'Just for a moment' I thought to myself.

"I am so soft right now." Chloe said with a smirk on her face.

Landon let out a door rattling growl. The sound made me jump, moving me away from the warmth he provided. Letting out a heavy sigh, Landon rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, damn. I'm leaving." Chloe said and laughed slightly.

"Landon?" I asked. He growled not moving his hand away from his face.

"Landon?" I asked again. He took a deep breath and then slowly pulled back.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a good amount of concern. To my surprise, Landon just laughed humorlessly.

"Am I okay," he asked and I nodded, "Jesus Christ, it's definitely not you that should be asking me that." Getting up from the bed he began to pace.

"Well, I-I mean I do worry about you." I said unsure if it was okay that I felt that way.

Was it not my place to worry about him? Suddenly, I felt very self conscious.

"Stop wherever your mind is going, and tell me what's got that look on your face." It really wasn't a request but it wasn't a command either. The anger had faded from his voice. Leaving behind the man I was growing so accustomed to.

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