Chapter 6

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"What the hell do you mean?" Landon asked. His body began to shake and I touched his hand to calm him down. I turned him so he was looking at me. I put my hand to his cheek and rubbed my thumb in circles.

"Clam down, okay? Now is not the time to go wolf on me." I said and I got a small chuckle from him.

I turned around to face James and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with me, James?" I asked in a small voice.

With all these dreams and secrets, I'm not sure how much more I can take.

"There is so much you don't know..." he started.

I was then informed all about William and I have to say it was kind of sad. I mean the thing he did to that girl every...wait.

"How often did you say he cut her?" I asked

"Every month," He said.

"You don't think... I mean- there's no way-" I said and tears came in to my eyes.

"I'm afraid so Lily," James said and looked down, "but the good thing is that he never got time to finish."

"When that rogue put his drops of blood in your back, your body didn't like it. Now that you have met your mate, your body is rejecting the blood. That's why you were throwing up blood."

"So I was throwing up his blood?" I asked. It just that knowing that I was throwing up blood is one thing, but knowing I was throwing up HIS blood is just repulsing.

I started to think about the time where he would pull out the knife and he would always say, " One month closer." At the time I didn't know what it meant but now...

"What do you mean by 'it's happening'?" I heard Landon say from behind me.

"Well, It's part of the process. Its about the time where he would cut Lily, so here body is getting ready for it. I read that the process has only been completed once, which was completed by William. There are stories about people that did not go through the process. It doesn't always happen but some people... they well... they get sick. It starts with the back, and then continues into other things. The really bad part is that... well some people don't... they um..."

"Some people don't what?" I questioned. Now more scared and confused than ever. I think Landon figured that out because he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"Well some people don't survive the sickness." he said and looked down.

"Wh-what do you mean."

"They die; the only way to really survive is if you kill the person that was trying to mate you."

"What do you mean? Are you saying she's going to die?" Landon growled out.

"No! I'm saying that it's possible that she could have the sickness! That's all I'm saying." He said.

What? I could die? The boss was trying to make me him mate! I can't believe this. I'm going to die and I'll leave Landon all alone. He'll move on and forget about me. It would be like I was never here. Maybe it's for the best. I mean I brought all these problems into his life. I don't want to die though.

I didn't even know that Landon and James were still arguing I was so lost in my thoughts.

I need to get out of here.

I started walking to the door and I felt someone grab my hand. I knew it was Landon because I felt electricity shoot up my arm.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

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