The Better Friend

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Henry danger story and my first story here on wattpad! I joined AGES ago but never wrote anything 😂 anyway, just a little back story on myself, I'm British so I apologize in advance if I spell anything the 'British way' or say anything that doesn't make sense. 

This story does contain swearing so if you're not about that life, maybe this isn't the story for you. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope this is the beginning of something great! ❤


"You took your time." Henry commented as Charlotte climbed into his car that morning.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Oh please, I didn't take that long, I was doing my hair." She replied.

Henry rolled his eyes playfully and began to drive off of Charlotte's drive. "You eaten already?"

"No, didn't have time." Charlotte looked at Henry as if it was his fault.

"We still have time to go to Starbucks." Henry said.

"Cool, you're paying though." Charlotte smirked.

"Uh no, I'm not." Henry replied, seriously.

"You're such a cheapskate Hen, my God." Charlotte giggled.

"Shut up Char." Henry rolled his eyes.

Once they got to Starbucks, Charlotte ordered what she wanted (Henry had already eaten) and begrudgingly went to pay. As she climbed back into the car, she gave Henry an icy glare.

Henry chuckled, "Seriously Char, it's your breakfast, why would I pay?"

"Cos I'm your best friend." Charlotte stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"True, but I'm more of a cheapskate so I wouldn't pay." He smiled innocently and then pulled out of the car lot.

Henry and Charlotte arrived at school ten minutes later and climbed out of the car. "Thanks for the ride Hen." Charlotte smiled.

"No biggie." He returned the smile, Henry was just glad Charlotte was over her 'I'm pissed at you for not paying for my breakfast' phase.

"We still have fifteen minutes, wanna hang by my locker?" Charlotte questioned.

"Yeah, sounds cool." Henry agreed and the pair headed inside the school and reached Charlotte's locker. "What's your first lesson?"

"Science." Charlotte replied.

"Sucks to be you Char." Henry chuckled, leaning back on Charlotte's locker.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "I don't mind science so it's all good." She responded matter-of-factly. The friends continued to talk and Charlotte couldn't help but notice how attractive Henry looked with his back propped against her locker and his dirty blonde hair swept across his forehead, and his adorable sideways grin and his sexy deep voice and-

"Char?!" Henry waved his hand in front of her face.

"Yeah what?" Charlotte asked once she'd snapped back to reality.

"You weren't listening to anything I said were you?" Henry smirked.

"Was too." Charlotte argued, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yeah? Then what was I saying?" Henry raised an eyebrow.

"That you're so blessed to have me in your life." Charlotte smiled before walking away.

"You know that's not what I was saying!" Henry called after her.

"Whatever Hen!" She called back and Henry smiled to himself.

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