Keeping to my word

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~ Henry's thoughts ~
I watched as Char made her way over to my car that Monday morning. She looked beautiful. She just had an extra glow about her and also had some extra tight jeans on. Great. Jacob is gonna be fawning over her. All. Fucking. Day.

"Hey Hen." Charlotte said as she climbed in. 

"You did all this for Jacob?" Henry questioned, not even saying hi back. 

"'Hey Char, how are you this morning?' Oh I'm great, thanks for asking." Charlotte said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Henry shot her a sheepish look. "And all what?" She asked in reference to his question, putting on her seatbelt. 

"Nevermind." Henry dismissed. "You wanna stay for dinner tonight? Mom's making spaghetti Bolognese." Henry mentioned, knowing that it was one of Charlotte's favourites. He didn't get a response and looked over to see Charlotte texting on her phone, smiling to herself. "Char?" Henry said a little louder. 

"Hmm? Oh yeah, dinner sounds great." She nodded, then went back to her phone. 

Henry slyly looked across and saw that she was texting Jacob and sighed. "What, can lover boy not wait to see you in person?" Henry questioned, and Charlotte locked her phone. 

"Don't tease me." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"I'm not. I'm tryna have a conversation with my Charly-kins but she won't pay attention to me." Henry pouted, jokingly. 

"Don't ever call me that again." Charlotte laughed, shaking her head. 

"Sure thing Char-Char." Henry smirked and Charlotte punched his arm. 

"Damn it Hen stop!" She giggled despite herself. 

Henry smiled to himself, he had his ways to make Charlotte forget about Jacob, even if it was for a couple of minutes. 

Once they reached school they both congregated by Henry's locker waiting for the others. Unfortunately for Henry, Jacob came over first. 

"Hey babe." He smirked at Charlotte and pulled her into a kiss. Henry looked away and repeatedly told himself to not let a dirty look overtake his features. He found solace in the fact that Charlotte looked ever so slightly uncomfortable - or surprised - he couldn't work out which. Either way she wasn't fully into it.

"Hey Jake." Charlotte said once he pulled back, Jacob had a massive grin on his face. 

"Sup Henry." Jacob said in casual tone. Henry was glad there was no malice entwined in his voice as it was going to make the next thing easier. 

"Hey man, uh, can I talk to you for a second?" Henry requested. 

"Yeah sure." Jacob and Henry moved away from Charlotte, who was watching the exchange with her eyes glued.

"Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot, and perhaps that was my doing. But anyway, I'm happy for you and Char and I'm not saying we have to be best friends but it would be good to get along for Charlotte's sake." Henry said in a mature manner.

Jacob nodded, taking in the information. "Yeah dude I totally agree, it's so much effort trying to annoy each other. Lets just keep it friendly."

They both exchanged that typical man handshake thing and made their way back to Charlotte who narrowed her eyes.

"Everything cool?" She questioned, looking at Henry mainly.

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