Cute accent & Damn...

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"What time did you go to bed last night?" Henry questioned, laughing as Charlotte yawned again.
"I dunno." Charlotte groaned, slumping down into the chair.
"You know you look cute when you do that?" Henry smirked.
Charlotte felt a smile creep onto her face, "Take that as a compliment."
"We have some time on our hands, we'll go to Starbucks so you can get coffee so you feel more alive and because I'm feeling nice today, I'll pay."
"That's really sweet Hen, you don't have to pay though."
"I insist." Henry smiled, continuing to drive.
"Ah, I love coffee." Charlotte sighed contentedly as she took a sip of her coffee once she'd climbed back into the car.
"Almost as much as you love me right?" Henry winked.
"Yeah if it helps you sleep at night." Charlotte laughed. "Btw, I may or may not have purposely gone to bed late so you would buy me coffee today." Charlotte sneakily added in.
"What?!" Henry exclaimed.
"Stop crying." Charlotte giggled.
"Okay, it's cool, I'm not mad." Henry seethed through gritted teeth.
"You sure? Cause your knuckles are turning white." Charlotte teased. Motioning to Henry's hands that were tightly gripping the wheel.
"Lets just hope someone doesn't choke on their coffee, shall we?" Henry smiled innocently.
"Yeah? And lets hope someone doesn't choke on this." Charlotte stuck her middle finger up at Henry.
"It bothers me that people think you're the sweet, innocent one." Henry sighed.
"Uh, that's cause I am." Charlotte replied.

"Hi, I don't mean to interrupt you guys but could one of you tell me where the school office is?" A girl asked Henry and Charlotte. She had black hair that came just past her shoulders, a front fringe, she was dressed in a black leather jacket, a white top and some black jeans with rips in.
However, this wasn't what stood out to the pair - it was her accent.
"Yeah sure. Um, if you don't mind me asking, British right?" Henry asked the girl.
"Yeah. I'm on this exchange program thing for a year or so." She replied.
"Cool. Cute accent by the way." Henry smiled.
"Thanks. But I'm sure if you guys watched Eastenders or the only way is Essex then you wouldn't think it was so cute." She laughed.
"I'm sorry, he's a little rude; he didn't ask what your name was." Charlotte piped up and Henry rolled his eyes.
"Amber." She told Charlotte.
"Nice to meet you Amber. I'm Charlotte and this is Henry." Charlotte gestured to Henry.
"Nice to meet you guys. Btw, you guys are such a cute couple." Amber gushed.
"Oh jeez." Charlotte mumbled, rolling her eyes.
Henry chuckled, "Char and I, we're best friends, we're not dating. " He explained.
"Oh...I would say my bad but I've decided that I'm going to make it my absolute mission to get you cute kids together." Amber winked. But both Henry and Charlotte took it as a joke she made to ease the awkwardness of mistaking them as a couple.
"Have you met Clarissa? I'm sure you guys would get on great." Henry chuckled, leading Amber in the direction of the office. "I'll see you in class Char!" Henry yelled over his shoulder.
"Bye Char!" Amber yelled back.
Charlotte chuckled to herself at Amber's confidence. And surprisingly, she sort of liked the fact that Amber thought herself and Henry were dating; the thought of having a boyfriend appealed to Charlotte.
Charlotte collected her books and closed her locker when somebody caught her eye.
~ Charlotte's thoughts ~
Damn. That's all I could think. Just damn. Whoever this guy was, he was sooo good looking. He had brown hair that was styled in a perfect quiff, he had tan skin, my guess was that he was Hispanic or something. And his face was gorgeous! His dress sense was really good too. Hey, I need a man who knows how to dress!
I was so distracted that I didn't even realize I'd dropped my books - how fucking stupid am I?! - until I saw him coming towards me and then bent down to help pick them up.

"Hey, I know school sucks but don't take it out on your books." He joked.
Charlotte giggled and the boy smirked. "I'm just a klutz."
"At least you're a cute one." He bit his lip and Charlotte felt her face heat up and turned her head to the side slightly.
"Thanks." She smiled, grabbing her books from him. "You're new here, right?" She ain't ever seen anyone that good looking walk the halls of Swellview high.
"Yeah. Family just moved here." He replied.
"I'm Charlotte by the way." She extended her hand.
"Charlotte. Beautiful name to match a beautiful girl." He flirted. "Oh, and by the way, I don't shake hands, I hug." He smirked, opening his arms.
"At least tell me your name?" Charlotte placed a hand on his chest to push him back slightly and couldn't help but notice how sculpted he felt
"Jacob Alvarez." He responded.
"Well hey Jacob." Charlotte smiled.
"So, I get my hug now right?" He asked.
"Nah." Charlotte smirked. "I'll walk you to the office though, you're gonna need a timetable."
"Thanks." He smiled warmly.
"You smile this often?" Charlotte inquired.
"No, actually. I guess you have that affect on me." He winked. Charlotte bit her lip and smiled to herself.
"So...the office?" Charlotte asked.
"Lead the way." He replied.
The morning classes went by well and it was now lunchtime. The usual table that was filled with Clarissa, Jasper, Charlotte and Henry now had two new additions: Jacob and Amber.
"So, is it as cold as everybody says it is in London?" Clarissa asked Amber.
"Yeah, the weather is shit, we're lucky if we get a summer without rain." Amber rolled her eyes.
"Oh, guys, I'm having a party next Friday, you and Jacob are welcome to come." Clarissa invited the pair.
"I'll be there." Jacob responded.
"Sounds fun." Amber nodded.
Henry noticed Jacob and Charlotte smirking at each other and for whatever reason it annoyed him. Maybe because smirking was his and Charlotte's thing? Either way, he already wasn't too fond of this Jacob guy.
"So, Jacob, what brings you to Swellview?" Henry questioned, causing Jacob to look at him.
"Oh you know, family moved here and stuff." He shrugged.
"Hen, what the fuck kind of question is that?" Charlotte laughed slightly, trying to tell Henry to not embarrass her with her eyes.
"I'm just saying, Swellview isn't the most exciting town." Henry replied, shrugging.
"Are you kidding? Captain Man and Kid Danger are from Swellview." Jacob answered.
"Oh yeah, I suppose that is pretty awesome." Henry agreed, trying not to sound too smug.
"How long have you and Charlotte been friends for?" Jacob questioned. What with the way Henry was acting, he needed to make sure he wasn't flirting with a girl who already had a man.
"A long time." Henry replied instantly.
"It's like people forget that I'm their best friend too." Jasper pointed out, sighing.
"Aww." Clarissa rubbed his back.
"Char and I are crazy close," Continued Henry. "Nothing or no one can ever change that." Henry told him, narrowing his eyes.
"Uh, hey Hen, can I get my history textbook out of your locker now?" Charlotte interrupted.
"Huh?" Henry asked confused. Charlotte gave Henry a look and Henry's expression changed. "Oh yeah, sure thing." The pair got up and when they were out of sight of the others Charlotte began dragging him by his shirt sleeve.
"Hey, this shirt is expensive!" Henry protested.
"What was that?" Charlotte demanded once they'd reached her locker.
"What was what?" Henry replied.
"Boy, don't make me slap you." Charlotte warned, pointing her finger.
"Okay okay." Henry put his hands up. "I just don't like him."
"Why? What's he ever done to you?" Charlotte questioned.
"Char, you barely know the guy, why are you being so defensive?"
"Because you're being a jerk." Charlotte crossed her arms.
"Oh come on Char, you're mad at me?" Henry half laughed.
"Yeah I am. You're making me look stupid." She responded.
"Why do you care what you look like in front of him?" Henry challenged, crossing his arms.
"Just stop fucking around, okay?" Charlotte then walked away from him.
~ Henry's thoughts ~
For real? She's pissed at me?! Honestly she's only known this Jacob dude for five minutes and she's already whipped on him. I mean, what do we actually know about him? Other than the fact he's a self absorbed douche. I mean for real, the dick can't go two minutes without checking his hair in his phone screen.
I sigh agitatedly and walk back to the cafeteria. As I walk over to the table I notice Jacob whispering something in Charlotte's ear and I notice a slight change of color in her cheeks and she giggles. Oh, fucking hell. She likes him. Like likes him. I feel the urge to grab Charlotte and tell her to wake the hell up and open her eyes and see that she can do better. What the hell Charlotte?! How can you like someone you just met?!
I honestly don't know why I'm so bothered. Char's love life isn't my business but she's still my best friend and I don't want her to get hurt.

"You gonna stand there all day?" Amber questioned, looking at Henry who was just stood up.
Henry snapped back to reality, "Just daydreaming." He chuckled slightly.
The rest of the group continued to converse and Henry just sat there quietly. Why was the highly likely possibility that Charlotte liked Jacob bothering him so much?
The boy sighed and ate the rest of his lunch, trying not to think about it. But obviously his brain did the complete opposite of what he wanted and Jacob's fondness for Charlotte majorly bothered him for the rest of lunch.
"So, what's your next class? I'll walk you there if you like?" Charlotte offered.
"Uh, I've got...Spanish." Jacob said once he checked his schedule.
"Wait, don't you speak Spanish?" Charlotte inquired.
"Yeah chica." Jacob said in a husky tone whilst winking at Charlotte and giving his bottom lip a bite. Even Henry would have to admit he looked good doing that, only if his life depended on it though.
Charlotte smiled to herself feeling smug; Jacob was outright flirting with her.
"So why you taking it then?" Henry questioned in an irritated tone.
"Cause I am, Sherlock." Jacob shrugged at Henry, a self-satisfied look on his face.
"I'll take you." Charlotte said, her voice - which was slightly higher than normal - cut the tension in half.
"Thanks Char." Jacob smiled at her and then slyly gave Henry a smirk when he called Charlotte 'Char'.
"Oh no he didn't." Henry said through gritted teeth.
"Hen calm the fuck down." Clarissa hissed in the boy's ear.
Charlotte and Jacob walked off to his next class and Amber, Clarissa and Jacob turned to look at Henry.
"What?!" He snapped.
"He's not normally like this, he's just having a moment." Jasper said to Amber.
"No it's cool, I mean Jacob is a little annoying." Amber reasoned.
"Even so, Hen didn't need to act like that. I hope when Charlotte needed her 'history textbook' she slapped some sense into you as well." Clarissa scolded, turning on her heel and flipping her dyed red hair.
Jasper sighed and followed Clarissa. It was just Amber and Henry left. A sigh came from Henry. "Honestly, I don't get what everyone is so mad about. I asked him a couple questions, so what?" Henry shrugged seemingly calmer now.
Amber laughed. Henry's behaviour was wrong but she picked up a bad vibe from Jacob. She shrugged, "Guess he couldn't take the heat."
Henry smiled at Amber, "I'm glad someone is on my side."
"Hey, I told you I wanted to get you and Charlotte together." She said in a serious tone.
"Wait, you were actually being serious?" Henry questioned and Amber nodded. "Anyway, like I said Char and I are friends and we don't like each other that way. And as for Jacob, I doubt Charlotte will fall for him." Henry shrugged, trying to reassure himself.
"Okay well, I guess we should get to class." Amber suggested.
~ Charlotte's thoughts ~
I can't believe Henry and the way he is acting. Like how embarrassing! Jacob has done nothing to Henry and yet he's acting like he's a convicted serial killer. Hen has always been a little protective over me, fair enough. I'll even admit that I found it really sweet but now it's fucking annoying.
Well fuck Henry and his bullshit, dickheadish behaviour. After dropping Jacob off I headed to social studies. Henry looked up at me and smiled eagerly. Was he being serious?! I rolled my eyes and slung my bag down and sat next to Amber instead.
Henry's face dropped and I fought the urge to laugh at his stupidity.

"This is my first social studies class." Amber said to Charlotte as they were note taking.
"Yeah?" Charlotte looked over to her.
"Uh huh, they didn't teach it in my old school in England." Amber replied.
"Well it's really good. You'll love it." Charlotte smiled warmly.
"Hey Char." Henry hissed from the next isle.
Charlotte huffed loudly and ignored him. Continuing as if nothing happened.
"Don't fucking ignore me Charlotte." Henry growled in a low voice.
"Mr Hart is there a problem?" Miss Mathis questioned, looking up from the books she was marking.
"No." Henry simply answered, but not before shooting a nasty glare at Charlotte.
"Damn, do you guys always argue like this?" Amber asked.
"No." Charlotte shook her head. "No we don't." She sighed, glancing over at Henry sadly.

"I thought you were mad at me." Henry stated as he walked over to his car after school and was greeted with the sight of Charlotte leaning against his car.
"I need a ride home." She replied plainly.
"Who says I wanna give you a ride?" Henry shot back, but really only for the love of annoying her.
"Fine." Charlotte pushed herself up from Henry's car and began walking away.
Henry sighed and mentally kicked himself. "Char. Hey Char wait!" He called after her but the girl kept walking. Henry jogged after her. "Damn it Char why you gotta be so stubborn?" He managed to catch up to her and grabbed her arm.
"Maybe because my best friend is acting like a little shit and I can't deal with him right now!" Charlotte shouted, snatching her arm back.
Henry sighed, not wanting to attract more attention than they already had. "Just get in the car Char." He pleaded.
Charlotte found her lips twitching, "That rhymed." She giggled slightly.
"Ah, is that a smile I see?" Henry grinned bending down to her height.
"Shut it!" Charlotte smacked his chest. "I'm still mad at you." She walked passed him and back over to his car.
The car journey back was painfully silent and Charlotte practically jumped out of the car once Henry dropped her home.
"Thanks." She mumbled before climbing out of the car and walking to her front door.
Henry sighed and drove off. He was gonna have to fix this.
~ Charlotte's thoughts ~
I was currently sat on my bed doing some homework when I heard my window being slid open. I quickly looked over to see Hen climbing through and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fuck, you scared me." Charlotte held her heart.
"Sorry." He said once he'd climbed through.
"Why didn't you use the front door?"
"I dunno. I just thought maybe you'd pull that bullshit of telling your parents to not let me in." He shrugged.
"Nah, I could never be that mad at you." Charlotte gave him a small smile.
"I bought you some 'I'm sorry for being a jerk today and really hope you forgive me' gummy bears." Henry held the pack up sheepishly.
"Add them to the pile." Charlotte signalled to the bowl of gummy bears.
"So, am I forgiven?" Henry questioned while pouring the gummy bears.
"Yes." Charlotte sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Can't stay mad at this face huh?" Henry smirked.
"Shut up." She shook her head, laughing.
"I really am sorry though." Henry said as he joined her on her bed.
"It's okay, honestly." Charlotte dismissed, giving him a smile. "You wanna stay for dinner?"
"Sure, I might as well." Henry nodded.
~ Henry's thoughts ~
I knew she wouldn't be able to stay mad with me. She was slightly pissed, you see I have this talent with making Char pissed but she brushes it off quickly. Thinking back on it, there was no reason to be wary about Jacob. There's no way that piece of crap is gonna do anything bad to mine and Char's friendship.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed. Thanks so much to Geeki_ and DjenebaLovemuzic for your lovely comments. Opinions on Jacob? Oh and, thanks so freaking much for 100+ reads, this is my first story on here at to me that's amazing! ❤ stay tuned for the next chapter 💛

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