One dance, One Jerk

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A/N: Can we just pretend that when Clarissa first mentioned the party, she said it was happening in a weeks time. So, a week has now passed from where the last chapter left off. Glad we cleared that up 😂 


It was now the following Friday - the day of Clarissa's greatly anticipated party, and also the end of the school week. Charlotte and Jacob had grown closer (much to Henry's annoyance) and Amber was sliding into the group well.
Jacob just hovered really. Charlotte was the only one who he really got on with. Luckily for him he'd made other friends.
"So Charl, what you gonna wear tonight?" Amber questioned as herself and Charlotte walked to their next lesson.
Charlotte smiled, liking the difference Amber gave on her nickname. "Dunno. I'll fling something on." Charlotte shrugged.
"Yeah, it's not like it's prom or anything. It's gotta look more laid back and easy." Amber nodded.
"You know, if I was saying this to Clary, she'd freak and say I should have picked an outfit by now." Charlotte laughed, shaking her head.
Amber joined in on the laughter, "Yeah, she is something."
"Guess who!" Jacob came up behind Charlotte and wrapped his arms around her waist. Charlotte squealed slightly - in delight of course.
Amber used all her willpower not to roll her eyes. She didn't outright dislike Jacob. She just really wanted Henry and Charlotte together, even though she'd only known them for a little while, she wanted Charlotte and Henry to happen. And Jacob, well, he's definitely getting in the way of that.
"I'll save you a seat Char." Amber said, not looking at Jacob and sauntering into the classroom.
"So, I'm thinking I pick you up at eight and I'll drive you to the party." Jacob smirked.
"And I'm thinking that'd be great, but, Hen's taking me." Charlotte told him, adjusting her bag strap on her arm.
"Firstly, you have a car but he drives you everywhere. Second, can't you cancel?" Jacob moaned rolling his eyes.
"It's our thing. He drives me places. And Jake, it's literally a fifteen minute drive to Clary's house. Not driving me isn't going to kill you." Charlotte pointed out.
"Okay well, Henry isn't your date right?"
"No..." Charlotte replied, intrigued to see where Jacob was heading with this.
"So, you should probably go with your date." Jacob replied.
"Well, I don't have one do I." Charlotte smirked.
"Good thing I'm asking you." Jacob winked.
"It's a party Jake, not prom, you know that right?"
"I don't care, I wanna take you as my date, you know that right?" Jacob asked.
"Fine. Eight it is." Charlotte smiled flirtatiously, then walked into the classroom.

"Charlotte, what time do you want me to get you tonight?" Henry asked at his locker.
She forgot she was going with Jacob and didn't tell Henry. "Oh, uh about that..."
"Fuck. Did your parents say no Char?" Henry turned to her.
"No, I...well Jacob's taking me." She blurted out.
"What?" Henry asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, he asked and-"
"And you said yes, even though I was gonna take you." Henry butted in angrily.
"Hen, look, don't be mad okay? It's just a ride." Charlotte shrugged.
"Fine, whatever." Henry turned back to his locker, annoyed.
"Henry, don't get pissed." Charlotte sighed, touching his shoulder.
"I'm not." Henry replied, yanking his shoulder away and by the tone of his voice it was obvious he was.
"He asked me to go with him as his date." Charlotte added, hoping Henry would understand why she was now going with Jacob.
"Oh great!" Henry exclaimed sarcastically.
Charlotte furrowed her brows, "You're not happy for me?"
"You actually like him, Char?" Henry asked in disbelief. He'd speculated but he'd never heard it out of her mouth.
"Yeah, I do Hen." Charlotte nodded.
For some reason, Henry got a sharp pang in his chest and a lump rose in his throat. "I uh, I gotta go." Henry mumbled, rushing past Charlotte.
~ Charlotte's thoughts ~
He's mad. I don't understand why though. I mean, I know Henry doesn't particularly like Jacob but he's never reacted like this.
If Henry's going to be angry with me, then I'll just cancel the ride with Jacob. It's not worth loosing my best friend over.

"What do you mean you're not coming with me anymore?" Jacob asked.
"I mean I'll see you there. I never should have said yes to going. I was already going with Hen and it wasn't fair for me to cancel." Charlotte explained.
"So this is what it's about? Henry?" Jacob crossed his arms.
"Well yeah..."
"I can't believe this." Jacob muttered.
"We'll spend more time with each other at the party than we would have in the car Jacob." Charlotte pointed out.
Jacob ignored her and walked away. Charlotte sighed frustratedly, she couldn't win could she?
"You coming lunch Char?" Amber said as she walked past and spotted Charlotte.
"I'm not really hungry." Charlotte replied.
"Hey, what's wrong Charl?" Amber walked up to her.
"Hen is mad because he was supposed to drive me tonight, but Jacob asked me to go with him as his date so I canceled on Henry. But Hen got super mad so I went back and told Jake that I was going to go with Henry after all and now Jacob is mad." Explained Charlotte.
"Go with Jacob." Amber simply said.
"Go with him. You obviously like him, so you should go with him." Amber told her, hating herself more with every word as she was going against her loyalty to Chenry.
"What about Henry?" Questioned Charlotte.
"What about him? The main difference between Henry and Jacob is that Hen could never stay mad at you." Amber smiled. She still found her ways to push Henry and Charlotte together.
"And now I suddenly want to eat." Charlotte said cheerily. "Thanks Ambs." Charlotte smiled.
"No problem." Amber smiled back. Charlotte walked into the cafeteria and Amber was about to follow until Henry stopped her.
"Hey was that Char?" Henry asked the British girl after Charlotte had exited.
"Yeah. You should let her go with Jacob. She likes him, be happy for her." Amber told him.
"I thought you were all about getting me and Char together?" Henry raised a questioning eyebrow.
"I am. But I'm not going to interfere if she likes someone else. Besides you're not into her either, so it just seems like too much unnecessary work." Shrugged Amber.
"True. Well I'm going to apologize to Char." Henry walked over to the cafeteria where Amber followed.
"Hey, Char." Henry said nervously, taking a seat next to her.
"Hen, I told Jacob I'm going with you so you don't have to be mad anymore if you really want me to go with you." Charlotte told him with pleading eyes; she hated it when Henry and herself fought.
Henry felt guilty. He'd overreacted and now Charlotte thought he was majorly annoyed with her. "I'm not mad Char. I'm sorry." Henry replied gently.
"Sorry? What for?" Charlotte questioned. It was like Charlotte became oblivious when it comes to Henry. She lets his bad behaviour slide because he's her best friend. "I shouldn't have made plans on top of ones I already had."
"I was acting like a total dick and I'm sorry. I am happy for you Char. So tell Jacob that he's taking you." Henry smiled.
"Thanks Hen." Charlotte gave him a happy smile and got up and walked over to Jacob's table. Henry watched as Charlotte told Jacob the news and how both their faces lit up in delight and how tightly Charlotte hung on to Jacob when they hugged. It was like he was witnessing Charlotte slip away from him in slow motion.
"Hen!" Clarissa's voice brought Henry back to reality.
"Huh?" Henry looked confused.
"I was asking if you were okay, you look kind of bummed out." Clarissa pointed out.
"Yeah...I just remembered I have Math next, which sucks." Henry covered up.
"Oh, well just remember how much of an awesome time you're gonna have tonight!" Clarissa smiled and Henry smiled also - Clarissa always radiated positivity and good vibes that put people in good moods. Well, apart from when she tries to stir the pot when it comes to Henry and Charlotte,  having said that, she's left it alone following Charlotte's recent gravitation to Jacob.
~ Charlotte's thoughts ~
I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing high waisted black denim shorts, a simple white top tucked in, teamed with black strappy heels. I didn't straighten my hair because frankly, I'm too lazy. So I pulled it up into a messy bun that looks like it took no effort but actually requires more than you think. Anyway,  I only applied winged eyeliner and some lip gloss because I ain't all about that 'getting the face beat' kinda stuff.
Thank fuck my parents are out of town and think I'm staying with Henry for the weekend, I'm sure my Dad would have a lot to say about my outfit choice. It's not inappropriate as such, it's the heels that makes it look slightly slutty. The doorbell rang and I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

"Holy shit, Char, you look amazing!" Jacob said in awe.
Charlotte giggled, "Thanks. You look great too." She complimented.
The two walked to his car and Jacob opened the door for her, "Such a gentleman." Charlotte laughed.
So did Jacob and he shut the door and jogged round to his side. Charlotte kept noticing Jacob glancing at her and she smiled to herself.
"So Clarissa's parents are cool with this party?" Jacob questioned.
"Her parents don't know about it." Charlotte replied.
"Ah okay." Nodded Jacob. "Hey Char?"
"Yeah?" She looked to him.
"I'm super happy you're my date to this party."
"Me too." Charlotte smiled warmly.

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