Ooh their first fight...

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A/N: It's a long one...

"I don't have time for this Jacob, I'll see you at school." Charlotte hissed down her phone before ending the call as she made her way to Henry's car that Monday morning.
She yanked open the door and slumped down into the seat before slamming it shut.

"Woah, tough morning?" Henry questioned, looking over to Charlotte.

"Jacob's giving me shit for not coming to school with him this morning, that's all." She sighed, doing her seat belt.
Henry didn't say anything, but started the car and pulled away. Charlotte glanced over at him.

"What, no snarky comment?" She raised a brow.

"I'm not here to bad mouth your boyfriend Charlotte." Henry told her.

"Okay well for once, I'm giving you permission to." Charlotte spoke.

"Look Char, Jacob's probably mad because he loves spending time with you and he probably misses you a lot so I guess he gets bummed when you can't be together." Reasoned Henry.

"Are you on drugs? Are you okay?" Charlotte questioned, reaching across and feeling Henry's forehead.

Henry chuckled, "I'm fine Char. I just don't want to see you upset because you and Jacob are disagreeing." He shrugged.

"Thanks Hen." Charlotte smiled at him.

"No problem." He winked and Charlotte looked away and out of the window so she could continue to grin like a Cheshire cat without Henry querying her about it.
They arrived at school, went to Charlotte's locker first and then to Henry's so he could collect his books.

"You know it's actually astonishing how you got ill but still come to school. I know you said you feel better but I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to stay at home." Henry told her.

"And that's where me and you are different." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"You and I." Replied Henry, looking into his eyes.

"What?" Charlotte asked, confused and slightly taken aback.

"You and I. That's where you and I are different, God Char your grammar is appalling." Henry teased, shaking his head in fake disappointment.

Charlotte dropped her mouth open pretending to be shocked and playfully and gently - she hoped - slapped the back of his head. "Am I gonna have to slap a boy?" She crossed her arms.

"Uh, you already did!" Henry complained, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh right, sometimes I forget that I need to say that before I slap them." Charlotte shrugged, pretending she made a mistake.

"You owe me a head massage for that one." Henry nudged her playfully.

"Jeez don't be a baby, I didn't wack you that hard." Charlotte dismissed.

"You say that every fucking time!" Henry added, laughing.

"Whatever." Charlotte playfully rolled her eyes.


Jacob's voice was tense and Charlotte had never heard him say her name like that. She turned around and faced an annoyed looking Jacob.
"Yeah?" She responded.

"Can we talk?" He requested.

"Yeah go ahead." Charlotte raised her brows, waiting for him to talk even though she knew full well that he wanted to talk to her in private. Quite the troublemaker eh?

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