A concert and the trials and tribulations of a teenage relationship

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A/N: I'm back bitchesss 👀👀😂. 

I'm honestly really sorry for taking centuries to update, if I'm being honest I kinda lost my inspo for Chenry and felt like maybe people weren't interested in this story anymore?

But alas, I've updated anyway!

Forewarning: this chapter is long, like loooong! But I felt bad for taking so long to update that I thought you might appreciate a long chapter?

Also, a little later on in the chap things get a little let's say...steamy? 👀 so ya know, just a little warning, but it's honestly pretty mild.

And without further ado, let's get into the chapter!

~ Charlotte's thoughts ~

I'm so freaking excited!! Today is the day that Hen, myself, Jasp, Clarissa and Amber go and see The Weeknd in concert. I love him and his music so I can't wait. It's so cool that Jasp and Clarissa got this for Henry as his birthday present but that we can all enjoy it as a group. We're going to all get food first then we're all going in Henry's car to the venue. Henry's parents and Piper had gone away for the weekend (no pun intended) to visit some relatives, obviously Henry was supposed to go too but he couldn't because of the concert. He asked me if I wanted to stay over at his after the concert seeing as we'd be alone in the house and I said yeah. I was currently packing a bag full of stuff to bring to his, luckily I didn't need to pack loads because I have loads of my stuff at Hen's anyway.

I then had to figure out what I was actually going to wear to the concert. After going through my closet probably four times, I finally settled on high waisted denim shorts, a cropped sheer top that had floral embroidery and teamed it with a simple black bralet.

As Charlotte was spritzing some perfume over herself, her phone started to vibrate and she saw that Henry was Facetime-ing her. She answered it and propped her phone up on her dresser.

"Hey." She answered with a smile.

"Hey beautiful. I'm just calling to let you know I'm leaving my house in the next five minutes so I should be over to yours in fifteen." He told her.

"Cool cool. I'm almost ready so that's good." She replied as she picked up her lipgloss and lip pencil. "Which one should I use?" She asked her boyfriend.

"None, so that when I kiss you it doesn't get all over my face." Henry suggested with a cheeky grin.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Do I have to make all the decisions in our relationship?" She joked, choosing to wear her nude tinted lip gloss.

Henry chuckled and then changed the subject, "Are you excited?"

"So excited." Charlotte added, a broad smile stretching across her face. "But it's your birthday present so I want you to enjoy it more than me."

Henry chuckled, "I will. I love The Weeknd."

"And apparently we're close to the stage." Charlotte said looking at Henry on the screen, excitement in her eyes.

"This just keeps getting better." Henry said in awe.

"Yup. Okay I'm gonna hang up now because you're keeping me from looking good for you." Charlotte joked applying her lipgloss.

"Oh please, you always look good for me." He responded giving her a smirk.

"Oh I know," She teased and they both chuckled. "Okay I'll see you soon. Love you."

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