Fuck it

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A/N: Warning!!! This chapter will put you in your freaking feels!!

"Hey so why did you call me over?" Charlotte questioned as she entered the Hart household.

"I uh...I need to tell you something." Henry said, nervously.

"Okay?..." Charlotte sits down apprehensively, why was Henry so nervous?

"I like you Char, I know I said I didn't but I do. I really like you." Henry said, somewhere in the middle of his sentence he had grabbed her hands and held them in his.

"Hen I...I like you too." A smile stretched across Charlotte's face.

"Wait, you do?" Henry asked in delight.

Charlotte nodded and pulled him in for a long kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Henry cupped her face in his as he deepened the kiss. He pulled back and lifted her onto his lap and looked at her. Just stared at her as if he was mesmerised.

"I can't believe you're finally my girlfriend." He spoke softly, stroking her curls.

"I'm not your girlfriend." Charlotte said monotonously.

"What?" He asked with confusion.

"I'll never be your girlfriend Henry."

Henry's eyes snapped open and he squinted as darkness surrounded him. He reached for his phone and saw he still had around four hours of sleep to get. He sighed and ran his hands through his tasselled hair.

Yet another dream about Charlotte. All that was in his head was Charlotte. It was all he could think about and it was driving him insane knowing he wasn't with her. Everything was about Charlotte. He'd see something in a shop, or hear a song and she would instantly pop up into his mind. It was like she was some sort of drug to him and he was having withdrawal symptoms.

~ Henry's thoughts ~

Shit. I love her don't I? I fucking love Charlotte. I'm in love with Charlotte. And she doesn't have feelings for me let alone love me. Argh, why did I have to fall for that fun sized, sassy, adorable concoction that is Charlotte Bolton?!

But I guess the real question is for how long am I going to be able to fake my feelings for her and pretend that all I see her as is a friend?


"Are you alright?" Charlotte questioned, gaining Henry's attention.

"Yeah." He nodded, looking at the road.

"You just looked a little out of it." She replied.

"Yeah I'm just not in the mood for school." He shrugged.

"When are you ever in the mood for school?" Charlotte joked, flashing a grin.

Henry faked a laugh, "Guess you're right there."

"I'm thinking about clearing out my closet and getting rid of the clothes I don't wear. Donate them or something." She told him.

"That sounds nice."

"Yeah I've got way too many clothes, so yeah." She replied.

"Sounds cool Char." Henry said in a weary voice. Wanting Charlotte to stop talking because man, he was even in love with her voice.

Charlotte picked up on Henry's distant tone and decided to stop talking and not push him. Seeing he wasn't in the mood. Her and Henry were on good terms...kinda. And she treasured that more than anything.

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