It's over Char

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A/N: A month has passed since the last chapter:) 

Charlotte lounged on her bed, looking up at the ceiling not doing anything, just bored out of her mind, and waiting for something to come and entertain her. Friday evenings were meant to be fun, right? Junk N' Stuff had closed earlier than usual due to Ray having a family outing to attend to. As if the universe read her mind, her phone pinged. 

Charlotte picked up her phone and looked to see who had text her; it was Jacob. She unlocked her phone and slumped back onto her bed.

'Hey, Char, can we meet? We need to talk xx'

She swiftly text back a reply, 'Yeah course, everything ok? Xx' Jacob hadn't gone to school today, he was sick.

'Yh, my house? Xx'

'Cool, b there in fifteen xx'

Charlotte was a little worried, Jacob usually used way more love hearts, and no cute pet names? What was going on? Having said that, Charlotte couldn't say she was that surprised. If there was one word to describe how hers and Jacob's relationship had been as of late it would be dead.

Charlotte grabbed her car keys and put on her shoes, she yelled to her parents she was going to see Jacob before leaving the house. She drove over to Jacob's. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door.

"Hey babe." Charlotte chirped happily once Jacob opened the door.

"Hey Char." Jacob smiled back but it seemed slightly forced - Charlotte didn't notice though. Or chose not to notice.

"Are you feeling any better?" Charlotte asked, looking at him.

"What? Oh...yeah I'm okay now." Jacob scratched the back of his neck.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" She questioned as she sat down on the couch.

"Well, um, I've been thinking..." Jacob began. His usually tanned complexion now pale. He fidgeted uncomfortably with his hands.

"Okay? About what?" Charlotte inquired.

"Us." He replied.

"Go on..." Charlotte's heart started racing, and not the good kind like when Henry smirked at her or something. Wait...what?

"I just don't think it's going to work out between us." Jacob admitted, knocking the air out of Charlotte's lungs.

"Are you joking?" Charlotte questioned as calmly as she could. Trying to convince herself it was just a dumb 'Breaking up with my girlfriend prank'.

"I'm serious Char. I just feel...I just feel like I'm not the one you really want."

"What the fuck? Of course you are Jake, why else would you be my boyfriend?!" Charlotte questioned. Her heart pounding heavily.

"Look, Char, I'm not doing this to hurt you, or to be a dick, I swear. I just want you to be happy and I know and you know deep down that happy isn't me." Jacob took her hand in his.

"I don't understand. How can you be telling me how I feel, I know how I feel and it's you I want." Charlotte explained.

"Please don't make this harder than it is. It's over Char."

"Who else am I supposed to have feelings for? Hmm? Please explain seeing as you believe you can read my fucking mind!" Shouted Charlotte.

"Did you not hear me the first time? I said it's over Char!" Jacob raised his voice too. This break up was turning nasty.

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