New Possibilities

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"You don't have to come to school today Char. I can cover for you." Henry insisted. Monday morning.

"Hen, stop, okay? I'm fine, honestly." She smiled, fluffing up her curls.

"But you're not Charlotte. You don't have to pretend that you're fine when you're not." Henry reasoned. Charlotte sighed.

"I just wanna move on, alright? And sitting at home drowning in my own tears and feeling sorry for myself isn't going to help with that is it?"

Henry sighed, "I guess you're right."

Charlotte wasn't mad at Henry for caring so much, in fact she thought it was beyond sweet. Besides, she'd spent the whole weekend crying and feeling sorry for herself and she was sick of eating ice cream. She was over that stage.

"And if I'm not okay, I'll be sure to find you." Charlotte winked. The pair both got out of Henry's car and headed for the school. "I never got the chance to apologize to your Mom." Charlotte said as she unlocked her locker.

"Huh?" Henry questioned in confusion.

"You know for turning up at your house and making a huge scene." Charlotte replied.

"Char, you don't need to apologize for anything. My mom was more worried about you than she could ever be mad." Henry reassured.

Charlotte smiled in response and closed her locker. Clarissa came up to the pair. "Hey guys. Char, are you okay?" Clarissa asked, her eyes filled with pity as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Jasper told you right?" Charlotte sighed. It's not that she minded her friends knowing. She just wasn't used to being the vulnerable one and didn't like the pity.

"No...he didn't. I overheard Jacob telling his friends." Clarissa replied sheepishly.

"For real? Wow, and I actually convinced myself that he wasn't a dick. And now he's bragging about dumping me, just what I need." Charlotte sighed, shaking her head.

Henry clenched his hands into fists at his sides as he became increasingly angry.

Clarissa quickly jumped in, "Well I mean he wasn't bragging. He was just telling them." Clarissa spoke but Charlotte sensed she was just telling her what she thought she wanted to hear.

"What did he say?" Charlotte inquired.

"Uh..." Clarissa shifted uncomfortably.

"Clary, it's okay, just tell me." Charlotte prompted.

"He was going on about how you were begging him not to end it and how he couldn't care less, he just wanted to break up with you."

"Seriously?! What a fucking asshole!" Charlotte exploded.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Clarissa shook her head.

"Well he's gonna care a hell of a lot more when I'm done with him." Henry was about to go hunt down Jacob but Charlotte stopped him.

"Hen no. He's not worth it." She put her hand on his arm and Henry looked down at it then back into her eyes.

"I can't just let him treat you like crap Charlotte." Was Henry's reply.
"Look, everything happens for a reason. Weren't you the one who told me that? Jacob's shown his true colors and now I'm really glad I'm not with him anymore."

"Yeah, Char you're a catch, you'll find someone new easily." Clarissa smiled.

"Thanks, Clary." Charlotte returned the smile. Henry still looked angry and Charlotte sighed, "Hen, I know you said you wished you could take the pain away but it's not your job to feel my pain. Just forget it, okay? Fuck Jacob. Seriously, he's dead to me and he should be to you too."

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