Party Pooper

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Saturday morning - 8:AM

"Okay, so everyone knows the plan?" Double checked Charlotte.

"Yep, you're gonna keep Hen out for as long as possible while we get the house ready for the party." Jasper replied.

"And you'll text one of us when you guys are near. So we have to keep alert." Added Amber.

"Great. Oh and Clary thank you for offering to have the party at yours. I would do it at mine but my parents would never approve." Sighed Charlotte.

"No biggie. It's fate that my parents are away for the weekend." Replied Clarissa.

"So, is Hen gonna be cool with this?" Amber asked.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Charlotte replied.

"No reason. I just thought he wanted something lowkey." Answered Amber.

"Yeah that's what they all say but he'll like it when he's at the party." Insisted Charlotte.

"How many people are coming?" Jasper inquired.

"Not sure, but probably quite a lot. Most people know my house is spacious and my parties are killer." Clarissa flipped her hair, even though no one could see as they were all on a joint phone call.

"It's not your party though Clary - it's Henry's." Pointed out Amber.

"Ambs why are you being so bitchy?" Charlotte was agitated.

"Let's just calm down." Advised Jasper, attempting to be the voice of reason.

"No it's okay. I'm being annoying, I get it. Char, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off, okay?" Amber apologized.

Charlotte was silent for a few seconds, slightly shocked at the girl's reaction. Expecting it to become a big thing but instead it didn't, "No it's okay. I overreacted. I'm sorry. I just want him to have a good night."

"He will." Amber reassured.

"Okay thanks guys. I'll see you all tonight." Spoke Charlotte.

"Bye." And their group call ended.


Saturday morning - 11:AM

"So how was your birthday yesterday Henry?" Schwoz asked in his thick-but-oddly-satisfying-accent.

"It was good, yeah. Thanks for asking." Henry smiled, turning around from the monitors and addressing Schwoz.

"I didn't have time to get you a present so I made you a cake instead." Schwoz pushed the cake towards Henry. And unappetizing was an understatement.

"Oh...uh thanks Schwoz. But I mean, I don't mind waiting for when you can get me a present." Henry said as nicely as possible.

"Told you he wouldn't like it." Ray said smugly as he entered the man cave.

"He does like it! You like it, don't you Henry?" Insisted Schwoz.

"My Mom told me not to lie." Henry quickly mumbled.

Ray laughed and Schwoz looked defeated. Just then Charlotte waltzed in.

"Why are we laughing?" She questioned.

"Henry rejected Schwoz's cake." Ray said in between laughter.

"That cake looks gross." Charlotte deadpanned, a lot harsher than Henry.

"Fine, I'll eat it myself." Schwoz huffed, and began digging into the cake.

"It's dead upstairs, so I came down here. That's okay right?" Charlotte asked Ray.

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