I'm just hurt

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A/N: For this chapter, you're gonna have to pretend they have a long ass lunch break 😂😂 Also, Jasper is like really savage in this chapter...

"Hey Henry." Ellie Neals waved as she walked past Henry that morning in the corridor.

"Oh, hey Ellie." Henry smiled back politely.

"Uh hey, Ellie is it? Why don't you take your perky ass elsewhere because Henry already has a woman." Amber turned to the girl and Ellie's face dropped before she walked swiftly off.

"Hey, what was that about? Ellie is one of the sweetest girls in the school." Henry scolded.

"Sweet?" Amber looked unimpressed.

"She was literally just saying hey." Henry shrugged.

"You may have been saying hey but Ellie wasn't." Amber opened her locker.

"Hey guys." Jasper joined them.

"Hey Jasp. Amber practically chewed Ellie's head off because she said hey to me, tell me that's not crazy." Henry chuckled.

"Oh, that's just because of what Charlotte said." Jasper replied casually.

Amber froze and then quickly shut her locker. Was this boy on drugs?! "Uh, Jasp, I don't think now - or ever for that matter - is the right time to mention this." Amber said warningly.

"My bad, I thought Char would have told him by now. You know, with them being the perfect couple and everything." Jasper shrugged, acting clueless. Amber stared at him in shock, Jasper was literally the definition of a shit stirrer at the moment.

"No, what do you mean? What did Charlotte say?" Henry questioned, intrigued now.

"Okay so when you had that detention at lunch a couple weeks ago, Amber asked Char how things were going with you two and she said everything is great but she knows you're popular with the girls so she doesn't really trust you. So Amber volunteered to make sure nothing happens." Jasper told him casually.

Yup, definitely on drugs. Amber grabbed Jasper's collar and yanked him away slightly from Henry. "Jasp, what the fuck? Why would you tell Henry this?!"

"Wait, was I not supposed to?" Jasper inquired. Looking lowkey smug.

"No Jasper. No!"

"Wait, she said that? She doesn't trust me?" Henry asked, sounding really hurt.

"She didn't say that to that extent. She just thinks you might get tempted." Amber winced at her words.

"Tempted by what?"

"I dunno, girls like Ellie." Amber replied, knowing nothing she was saying was helping the situation.

"So she doesn't trust me." Henry concluded. Still waiting to be annoyed because he didn't like the hurt he was feeling right now.

"I know bud, that's so shitty of Char to do." Jasper patted Henry's back somewhat comfortingly.

"Jasper, seriously stop you're making this way worse than it is," Amber then turned to address Henry. "She trusts you. It's the girls she doesn't trust! Take it from me, a girl, going after another girls boyfriend is totally something some girls would do. That's all she's worried about. She's not accusing you of anything." Explained Amber.

"But still. She should have just talked to me about it. And I would have told her there's nothing to worry about." Henry ran his hands through his hair and was about to walk off but then turned back around. "Oh and I don't need a babysitter." He rolled his eyes and walked off.

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