Chapter 1 - First Meet

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As soon as I look up, his eyes click onto my face. The breath whooshes out of my body and everything freezes for a second, as though I'm looking at him through my camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter.
Lauren Oliver, Delirium (Delirium, #1)

After a lot of searching here and there Swara finally entered the residence allotted to her by the University, it was a one storey house with two rooms on the top floor and three at the bottom.

She was allotted one at the top just as reached at the foot of the stairs she heard a loud scream.

"aaahhh" she heard a female voice shrieking and followed the voice to it's room and standing there she found a beautiful Indian girl in blue shorts and yellow tank with a loose cardigan and also with one of her sandal in her hand.

Behind Swara 2 more people rushed in. "What happened Rags? why are you standing with your slippers in your hand?!" One male who stood at somewhere around 5'11 and with blond hair and fair complexion.

Swara bit her lip- a bad habit and for which her mother always scolds her, she did not know she was going to share her residence with males in it.

Ragini looked towards them and exhaled in relief.

"Sam there's a cockroach in here" to which Sam's eyes widened and he ran out of the room looking a bit freaked.

Swara could not hold it in any longer and started laughing clutching her belly tightly. Ragini pouted and asked "Are laughing at me?!" Swara shook her head and replied "No but you have to admit his reaction was quite funny" and they both bursted out laughing together.

Ragini extended her hand "Hi by the way I am Ragini your brand new house mate" Swara smiled "Swara" and shook her hand. "By the way are we sharing this apartment with a guy?" Swara raised her brows in question. A slow mischievous grin spread across Ragini's face which made Swara squint her eyes at Ragini. "We are sharing it with a guy but three guys Swara, you and me at the top and those three on the ground level" She said with a wink.

They both chatted for a while discussing about anything and everything girls could talk about and then suddenly Swara remembered she had to call Addy and inform him that she had reached and settled in so she quickly excused herself and left.

The apartment had a backyard which was connected to the forest she decided to go into the forest to contact Addy so that no one overheard her conversation. She dint want her operation to be over even before it started. So quietly checking no-one was around she slowly walked into the forest.

On the third ring her call was answered but before Addy could say anything she started talking without even giving him the time to respond.

"Hey Addy so I was am just reporting in. I have reached and settled in and I am supposed to collect my schedule tomorrow by the way what am I majoring in dude?!"

Adarsh wished he could see her face right now because he knew her reaction was going to be super awesome. He already felt like laughing at her. Poor Swara. He shook his head.

"Swara, congratulations you are going to do double masters" Swara nodded in understanding but was even confused she could feel his strangeness in his voice but before she could ask he continued, "one in Business and other in Poetry." Swara's mouth fell open and eyes popped open which was such a comical expression. "What the hell Adarsh?! Commerce I can understand but damn it poetry?! seriously poetry!!" "Sorry Swara Dad's order but I so wish I could have been there to see your reaction.

"I ought to find another job" Swara mumbled but Addy just laughed "Aww don't be like that Swara, acha now you go on and rest Swara, your student life starts tomorrow." Swara cut the call and when she looked up she could see nothing in her view. She was so lost. Poetry and being lost were never in her wish list but now she was stuck with both.

"Great now where the hell am I?!" She muttered to herself placing both her hand on her waist and slightly pouting her lips. She quickly looked around scanning the area to find her way back to her apartment.

She walked ahead a few kilometres and could finally see a narrow lane moving towards the roads and she could also see a few people on the other side thanking her luck she ran towards that side and when she saw Dominos, she could not thank God enough she was soo hungry she could devour a large size pizza and still would have place for dinner.

She entered the lift to go to the second floor her mouth watering with the thought of , choco lava cake and Coke thats when she saw someone signalling her to hold the lift. 'Beautiful' was the only word that came to her mind she did not think she had ever used that word for a guy before. This person was looking like he had stepped right out of a GQ magazine. She was feeling at a loss of adjectives to describe him. He was somewhere around 6' feet and also looked like he worked out a lot. His toned muscles visible through is white almost see through T-Shirt.

His eyes widened when he saw her which she found was totally weird 'Did he know her or what because she was sure she had never seen him before, she could never forget this face' she thought silently but then he shook his head and smiling politely muttered a thanks. Just then the elevator started shaking violently and stopped moving with the lights and fan going off "Ohh Shit"

Swara mumbled and shut her eyes tightly and started breathing heavily. She was a claustrophobic.

"Miss?" the guy inquired "are you all right?!" She shook her head. "Miss just calm down" he took her hand in his and placed it over his heart "Shhh just calm down and try to count my heart beats it will help you relax" When Swara's hand touched his she felt a weird connection to him like there was something going on that she could not point a finger at, she felt Safe, yup thats what she felt go figure but slowly she started counting his heart beats and felt herself relax automatically and just at that moment the elevated started working again.

"Pheeww" she let out a sigh of relief and when the elevator dinged indicating that they had reached their destination they stepped out of the elevator "Umm Thank you...?" Swara said shyly "I dont give out my name to strangers" the stranger replied and grinned which made his blue eyes all the more magnetic.

"Thank you any which ways" Swara thanked him and shook his hand.

"Till the next time" At that Swara grinned "If there is a next time and if we do meet again then you will have to give your name to me because then you wont be a stranger anymore" He nodded smiling and they parted ways.

Swara returned to her apartment and was excited to meet the other two house mates.

One of them introduced himself, "Hi I am Sahil" and extended his hand Swara shook his hand and smiled politely in return. He must have been somewhere around 5'11 and had a sports man kind of built "Football player?" Swara asked. He grinned and nodded "How did you ever guess?" he replied sarcastically but it was clear he was just joking and the other guy was Rajat with almost the same height and body built but surprisingly he was a nerd.

"Come on guys she has just come back wont you guys offer her some dinner Ragini all but sang happily. Since Swara has just had a pizza she wanted to refuse but since she wanted to know more about her roommates she agreed and took a serving in a plate and then Ragini started shooting all types of questions at her like what she did?, where had she been? , etc"

So Swara explained how she got stuck up in an elevator, "Ohh was he hot?" she added with a wink. Swara grinned and nodded "He was super gorgeous, I don't even know how to describe him" They chatted for a while and then Ragini left for her room as they had a class early tomorrow and even Swara went off to sleep to her room with sweet dreams of those blue eyes.

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