Chapter 18 - Cat is out of the Box

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Hello guys! Back with another update hope I am not late.. well technically it's still Saturday... anyways I won't take much of your time.. Let's get straight to tue update and I have tried not to leave you'll at a cliffhanger point this time around... *Yaay me*

Chapter 18 - Cat is out of the box

The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe. One moment they make us despair of our kind, and the next we see in them the reflection of the divine image.
-Charles W. Chesnutt

"Who...Who are you?" She stammered. She put on a false bravado but she was scared out of her senses.

Standing in front of her was a tall gorgeous woman with an hourglass figure and a pale skin. She felt heaviness in her heart looking at this lady but she could not point a finger on her memory as she didn't have them anymore. Swara was literally tired of this memory loss of hers, there were a few instances that had occurred in the past few weeks that made her want them back. The good doctor had assured her that she would get them back in time but now she wasn't just sure anymore with the way things were going on in her life.

Since she did not get an answer she repeated her question taking a defensive stance. "I am asking once again who are you?"

The person did not reply, she just kept on starring at Swara which was unnerving at least in her opinion.

From a distance, Swara heard an echo of someone calling out her name so she turned in reflex, it was Ragini she exhaled in relief and turned back to the woman in front of her but all she could see was an empty forest, which showed no trace of anyone other than Swara being there.

"No I am not imagining things, I am not crazy. She was here only. I saw it with my own eyes but I had turned around only for second, how can someone disappear so fast" she muttered to herself feeling nauseated.

"Who is not crazy? What are you talking about?" Ragini asked scrunching her brows up in confusion. She could definitely feel something was wrong but just couldn't place a finger on it; it was far out of her expertise level.

Swara clutched at her heart and turned around startled on hearing Ragini's voice.

"What's wrong Swara? I can hear your heart racing at thousand miles even from here... My dear you even look flustered, what's wrong tell me" she pressed looking at her worriedly.

"No, nothing I am fine, it... it might just be so because of the weather" she tried to assure Ragini but Swara could see that she wasn't buying her excuse.

Ragini was about to say something but Swara was in no mood to explain what had just happened, she was far too worried about Shaurya right now to even think about anything else.

"Just let it go Rags, I told you I am fine" Ragini looked at her sharply but nodded.

Suddenly Swara's phone rang cutting through the thick silence between them.

Swara quickly grabbed her phone from the back pocket and answered to put an end to her irritating ringtone. It must have been Kavya who put it there.

'Someone's going to pay hell for this ringtone' Swara muttered to herself which made Ragini chuckle at her. Swara looked at her smiling and knew that even though she had been rude to her friend they were going to be just fine.

"Oh thank Goodness Dad, I'll be there in a minute" She cut the call and hurriedly ran upstairs.

"Wait Swara where are you going? who was on the call?"

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