Chapter 8 - You smell delicious?

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Blood Bound
Chapter 8 - You smell delicious?

Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived. The odors of fruits waft me to my southern home, to my childhood frolics in the peach orchard. Other odors, instantaneous and fleeting, cause my heart to dilate joyously or contract with remembered grief. Even as I think of smells, my nose is full of scents that start awake sweet memories of summers gone and ripening fields far away.

-Helen Keller

Sanskaar made his way towards the kitchen with a tipsy Swara towing behind him. Halfway during their walk to the kitchen Swara climbed on his back and made him carry her to the kitchen. Resting her chin on his shoulder. Sanskaar was savouring tue moment because he did not know when would such a moment with Swara would return.

"SansCaaaaarr can I ask you something?"

"Should I be scared of your question" Sanskaar chuckled.

"Ummm I don't know maybe yes maybe no"

Sanskaar pretended to think quite seriously whether to say or no and tapped his index finger to his forehead but smiled and nodded. Swara's heart fluttered seeing him flash dimpled chin.

"Why do you smell so nice?" She asked cutely.

Sanskaar stilled and Swara felt him stiffen at once at her question. He had obviously not liked her question but why. Sanskaar had been transmitted to an old memory.

"Why do you smell so nice Sanskaar?" She asked.

"To attract innocent and alluring pret's like you, my dear." He replied playfully with a hunters intent in his eyes.

She hit him lightly on tue shoulder to show him she was not scared of him, his eyes returned back to normal and he chuckled.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" he asked almost scared of her answer. Her answer could make or break him. If she was indeed scared of him he did not know what he would do...

Cupping his face gently she closed her eyes and lightly pecked his lips. It was so light and gentle that Sanskaar wondered whether it was a real or a fragment of his imagination.

Slowly she opened her eyes and said, "It's because I trust and adore you and I know if it is within your power you won't ever let me get hurt" Stroking his jaw she continued, "But it is not possible for you to protect me from everything and so you have to let me fight my own battles" Sanskaar sighed but nodded.

Sanskaar felt someone grab his ass and squeese it hard and roared his laughter.

"Tell na Siiiirrr, why do you always smell so nice?"

"Ummm because of my perfume?" he said more like asked because even he knew it was not the right answer.

"It smells like chocolates. I just love chocolates. Can I eat you?" Swara said hurried but then realised what she just said and gasped. Sanskaar laughed all the more loudly and Swara giggled uncontrollably "ooopsss" she said.

"My turn" Sanskaar said and seated her on the kitchen counter.

He leaned towards her face and brushed a stray hair strand from her face. Seeing the effect he had on her he smirked and stepped back a little. "Why do you smell soooo?"



Swara's eyes popped open. Her big brown eyes looking at him so innocently that he just wanted to take her in his arms.

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