Chapter 23 - Pool

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Chapter 23 - Pool

Love is a decision, it is a judgement, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgement and decision.
  -Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Swara groaned when the sun rays disturbed her sleep. Her eyebrows scrunched up and her sweet smile turned into a frown. She pulled the comforter over her head and turned the other way but the damage had been done already and her sleep had been disturbed royally she frowned and got up. Her messy bed hair lay all over and sticking out in different direction made her look even more cute than possible.

"aarrgghhh" she let out a small scream and clutched her throbbing head tightly, she never did like getting up early she felt like someone had forcefully pulled her out of her sleep and hence the headache.

She pulled the comforter off her and got off the bed lazily. She stood in front of the mirror in the washroom and remembered her dreams about the sexy stranger and a blush covered her face.

She shook her head and washed her face to wash out the beautiful face from her memory but it seemed quite impossible to her. She took a quick shower and dressed herself in a tight fit jeans and white cream coloured cardigan, putting on some light makeup she walked downstairs and was hit by yummy smell of pancakes.

She walked to kitchen and saw Ragini cooking with headphones plugged in her ears and humming the song she was listening to.

She slowly walked up to Ragini and screamed a loud "Boooo" in her ears. Ragini let out a loud shriek and whirled around with the hot spatula in her hand. Her heartbeat racing as fast as a race car.

"My God woman! are you trying to kill me?" she said trying to catch her breath.

While Ragini was trying to calm her heart Swara was laughing her heart out. Her stomach was actually starting to hurt with so much laughter.

"I am so.... soo... sorry" she said still laughing clutching her stomach.

"Achha you are sorry now... wait" Ragini said and started tickling her.

"No... noo... sorry Ragini" Swara managed to say in between her bursts of laughter.

Then even Ragini let out a good laugh and both of them settled on the sofa.

"Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Ragini asked.

"Yeah good times you should always enjoy and savour them helps us sail through tough times" Swara said smiling wistfully.

"Woah there babe that was too deep for before 9 am quotes" Ragini said.

"Wait! wait don't tell me you are one of those philosopher types" She continued.

"Sure I am, I love to bore people with my quotes... actually I have a quote book and a quota of quotes I use everyday" Swara mocked her.

Ragini hit her lightly on her shoulder. "Whatever" she said and poked her tongue at her.

"God can I get some pancakes too? I am so damn hungry" Swara said and at the same her stomach growled proving her right.

"Ya sure! I cooked up a batch for you too" she said pointing towards a covered dish.

Swara quickly sat at the dinner table and filled her mouth with the yummy food her new friend had cooked. She was so hungry she could have stuffed herself with food enough to feed an army of soldiers' she thought. Okay maybe she was over exaggerating but damn she was hungry and the food was delicious.

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