Chapter13 - Revelations?!

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Blood Bound- Revelation
Chapter 13

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.

-"Old Man's Advice to Youth: 'Never Lose a Holy Curiosity.'" LIFE Magazine (2 May 1955) p. 64

"Laksh! What the hell?! you scared the crap out of me" Swara said trying to find her breath and balance again.

"What am I doing here!! What the hell are you doing here Swara this is a prohibited area" Laksh asked.

"I... I saw..." Swara fumbled trying to catch her breath but even she wasn't sure if she should tell this to Laksh or not, he would surely think that she had lost her marbles and who would blame him. Who would believe in spells, magic and all the load of crap but then who could she share it with?! Not even Kavya and Ragini would believe all this.. Sanskaar? No! absolutely no she had just fought with him and now she couldn't running to him just like that.

"Voh.. I was lost in my thoughts and forgot my way" she replied finally.

"Lost your way?! Swara have you lost your mind?! there are so many wild animals in this area and you're saying you lost your way and in this past week you've already been harmed more than once" Laksh said his eyes wide with what seemed like worry.

"Laksh seriously stop behaving like my father. I am absolutely fine, now will you help me with the way out or are you waiting for some wild animal to prey on us" Swara joked trying to make it a light joke but Laksh din't smile he knew about the dangers lurking around Swara to which she was oblivious and ofcourse that Sanskaar would have his head too if he let something happen to Swara under his watch.

Laksh finally sighed and signalled Swara to start walking. Swara muttered under her breath about him being an ass but Laksh ignored her.

Finally after a long silence Swara remembered about him being Sanskaar's brother. "I Know" she said.

Laksh raised his eyebrow. "What do you know?"

"I know you are his brother" she said sighing.

"We are not real brothers, if that's what you are wondering but I love him as much as I would love my real brother.. So whoever hurts him hurts me and I do not deal well with pain" Laksh said narrowing his eyes at her.

Swara glared back at him with same intensity "Are you by any chance threatening me Laksh Maheshwari?"

Laksh sighed, she was not at fault and not the one to be blamed but he could not see Sanskaar broken everyday. These few months had been hell for Sanskaar and he knew it because Sanskaar bound himself to Swara and every inch of physical distance between would burn him.

"Just a precaution darling" he said trying to smile a little atleast for Swara's sake.

Swara knew he was just pretending to make the moment light but she very well knew he was like a bomb waiting to blast any moment. She suddenly heard some rustling of leaves and turned around to look at the source of tue sound but all she saw was that boy looking directly at her from behind the tree. She held Laksh's hand and walked as fast as she could manage so that they could get the hell out of the forest.


Almost at the end of the forest area she found a restless Sanskaar walking back and forth as if he had been waiting for them specifically but that wasn't possible, was it?! he couldn't have known Swara was in the jungle or that she had run into Laksh she thought.

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