Chapter 10 - Danger

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Hello all! Sorry for the long gap.. I promise I will try to update once a week from now on.. Hope you all like this Update...

Blood Bound
Chapter 10 Danger

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,
but to be fearless in facing them.

Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but
for the heart to conquer it.
Rabindranath Tagore, Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore

Swara ran in the direction from which she heard the scream past caring about what must have caused the scream if someone was really in trouble she could not leave to tend for themselves that was just against her basic nature. Swara couldn't not help a person when they needed help.

Without thinking she just ran and ran into tue jungle it felt like an urgency that she had to reach there soon no matter the cost and what she saw there sent chilled shivers down her spine. Rajat lying there almost bloodless. Swara let out a loud shout her eyes widened i surprise, shock and fear to see her friend in that position.

She heard some ruffling of leaves same like on the day she had been attacked and could see the shadow of a person and so like she also does without she followed that person because she was sure sue had screamed loud enough for people at the party to hear and so someone would definitely come and see Rajat and help him in time but right now she had to find that person.

"Hey you wait there! come back" Swara shouted at the shadow of that person and ran behind it.

It is often said that people take right decisions when they have less time to ponder over their decisions and so without thinking much Swara just followed that person believing that if anywhere there is a God he would surely protect her.

Swara ran wildly behind the shadow she had seen but to her it felt she would not be able to keep up with their speed and also she hoped that till now someone must have come to help Rajat. She din't know if she was right in leaving him behind injured but she did what came to mind.

Thats when she noticed how much of a big mistake she had made. She stepped on a big rock in an awkward position and slipped over it hitting her head hard on some sharp rock pieces.

Bad Luck? clumsiness? twice Swara could not believe her luck this was the second time she hurt head this weak running behind some mysterious shadow and today, today she could have caught them but here she was injured and she did not even know if someone would come and help her or even if someone had helped Rajat or not. She prayed for someone to come as she knew she was in condition to get up and reach the party area.

How hard would it have been to think before she had just mindlessly run into the forest but no if she hadnt run Rajat could be dead if she would have not reached on time. 'Who was that person? Why was he/she trying to kill people in the forest?' Whith these thoughts in her mind she was finally feeling like just closing her eyes and sleeping for a very long time that's when she felt someone shaking her hard and when she forcefully opened her half closed her her eyes only noticed one person - Sanskaar.

He held her as gently as possible and placed her head on his lap slightly tapping her cheeks to make her come to senses but she was far more seriously injured.

Sanskaar had heard her scream and noticed that it had come from inside the forest and so he, Ran and Laksh had run into the forest when they noticed an unconscious and pale Rajat lying on the ground. Ram took his responsibility and took him out of the forest as quickly as possible it looked like Rajat had lost a lot of blood and he was in dire need of blood. Whereas Sanskaar without caring for anything ran further inside the forest in search of Swara with Laksh towing behind him.

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