Chapter 21 - Missing Girl

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Chapter 21 Missing Girl

So I had promised you all an update on Sunday and it's still technically Sunday.. Hope you guys enjoy the update.. please guys vote and comment.. I love reading your feedbacks they inspire me to write.. Love you guys for being such awesome readers XoXo
Please Ignore the typos

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.

—"Old Man's Advice to Youth: 'Never Lose a Holy Curiosity.'" LIFE Magazine (2 May 1955) p. 64
Albert Einstein

Swara was anxious to meet her brother. She was just relieved that he was fine now. The last time she had seen him he looked so fragile as if one touch would harm him.

She din't know why it had felt like her only family left was about to be lost. Thank God it was just a passing feeling She and Shaurya had a big family to support them.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts her parents would be very heart if they ever come to know about these thoughts running in her mind.

She had immediately informed Sanskaar about her visit to her parents and while Sanskaar had teased her about when he would get to meet his future in laws which just made Swara blush even more.

She slapped her forehead and shook her head. All she kept on doing these days was blushing wherever Sanskaar was concerned.
So after promising Sanskaar she would drop by his house after her visit to her parents she left to meet her brother.

After ringing the door bell she had to wait for a bit longer than anticipated. Her mother's smiling face graced her at the door.

"Swara... so good to see colour back in your face. You were looking so pale yesterday" Sharmistha smiled and placed a hand and on her daughter's cheek.

"Yes.. Mom, I am feeling much better now that I know Shaurya is fine and will recover soon." She said and both of them went inside.

"Where's Shaurya, mom?

"Beta, he his still having some trouble walking and so he is sitting with your father in the hall area and both them are celebrating his healthy recovery over a cup of ginger tea" Sharmistha smiled and shook her head.

Swara's eyes widened, "Ginger tea... yummm mom I want some too. Pleeeeaaasseeee! Nothing can beat your hand made ginger tea" she said excitedly she loved tea made by her mother.

"Nautanki go and sit with your brother and father and I'll get you your tea"

"Yaaay your the best" she kissed her cheeks and left to find her brother.

Swara found her brother and father chatting about something which looked a little awkward to her but she could point a finger on it. Like he was not his father and he was not his son but as soon as they both them both of them smiled warmly at her and the awkwardness which had spread in the room prior to visit had just disappeared into thin air.

Shaurya was having a difficult time conversing with these he had considered as his parents these past six months but when Sharmistha had suggested having some ginger tea and the look of desperation in her made Shaurya agree to it. Whatever and whoever they were they had cared for him and his sister these past months the best they could and deserved every bit of respect he could give them. So he smiled called her mom and agreed which led to tears of happiness leaking out of her eyes.

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