Chapter 24 - He is a Professor

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Chapter 24 - He is a Professor

We met at a cross-roads in life,
But we were going different directions.
We were part of each other's lives,
But only for a moment.
The first person that you meet in life
Won't necessarily be the one who's forever.
Just look at you and me,
And it's not hard to see that
This is the moment before life goes on.
We are still friends;
We are still really good friends.
Please tell me that you agree.
But I'm not the one for you,
And you just can't see yourself with me.

-Margo T. Rose

"Why are you so irritated Swara?" he questioned his hands still firmly gripping her waist.

"And why do you care, Mister Stranger?" she retorted back never having learnt to back down. She loved having a last say in everything thats the way she was.

Sanskaar's lips curled down in a frown as if ye was irritated by her questioning, as if even he didn't know why he was so affected by this girl he just met yesterday. Seemed to be a joke by life itself. When finally he had managed to detach himself from anything and everything in his life he was graced with her entry in his life.

"I... just... I just.... just answer my question will you!" he fumbled.

"Well I won't" Swara didn't want to show just how much this guy affected her, it was impossible for a stranger to rouse so many feeling within someone but yet her voice remained perfectly calm but Sanskaar quickly caught on to her practised voice tone.

They kept on looking into each others eyes as if not them but eyes would give them all the answers to their confusion but life is not always as easy we wish it to be.

All to soon realising the position they were in Sanskaar let go off Swara and she lost her footing in the water and fell right inside. Struggling to catch breath, she started flapping her hands in the water causing it to flow everywhere around her. Realising his mistake, Sanskaar immediately caught hold of her and held her as tightly as possible. 

She was still breathing harsh due to intake of water in her lungs and still struggling with  her breath, panting hard. Sanskaar started thumping and rubbing her back so that she could puke out the excess water she took in as soon as she could breath properly again she noticed his eyes were attached to her veins on her neck.

She gulped hard which made her veins lump out and she felt like she saw a reddish tint in his eyes, his grip on her shoulder tightened which made her feel awkward but as soon as she to tried to look properly the reddish tint in his eyes she felt she had seen disappeared like it was never there and she let it go thinking it was just her mind playing games with her.

"Are you mad, why did you let go off me like that?" She screamed in frustration.

Her loud voice brought him out of his deep thoughts and he gulped hard too to contain himself. This girl was like some alluring witch who could always without even trying bring him on his knees. He had to do something. He had to stay away from her. That would be the best option for both him and her.

"Are you mad woman! Make up your mind. One minute you ask me to leave you and another minute you ask me why did I leave you!" He threw his hands up in frustration. He couldn't help it, her presence affected him alot more than he was ready to believe.

'There is something wrong with this guy' Swara thought. Though she could not point a finger on it there was some kind of mysterious aura around this guy which made him dangerous but it is Swara we are talking about she thrived on such challenges and mysterious which made this guy in front of her all the more interesting to her.

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