Chapter3 - Misadventure

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You might have a few questions after reading this part but hopefully in the next few parts to come I will clear all the confusion.

Make every misadventure an adventure."
-Alana Siegel

'Arrgghh what am I going to do now' Swara muttered to herself and banged her head on the table. Her first poetry class was done and the evil teacher had already given them their first assignment and that was why she was sitting here in the library in her free time.

'I am going to kill you for this Addy' she muttered under her breath and started searching for a good poetry again. The Library was quite huge and extensive and the walls were painted in such a fun manner that it gave you a positive vibe that you must go to the Library which did not matter to Swara as she loved books, there were so many amazing books to read here she could spend her entire life here but the problem was poetry, well that was a subject which was beyond her and she wanted to pass this class with good marks as she always had that competitive spirit and never liked to fail.

Finally after an hour of not finding anything she gave up and was on the way to keep all the books back she banged into someone and dropped all her books.

"Can't you see where you are going? Are you blind?"

She started saying in a hurried manner without even looking at the person she collided with and bent down to pick up her fallen books.

'Ahm Ahm' Sanskaar cleared his throat to make her look at him and also started helping her to collect her books.

She looked up and was totally lost in those blue eyes which called out to her on some deeper level she could not even comprehend, 'why would she such a strong connection to a stranger' she thought confused.

Sanskaar smirked and starting collecting her books one by one, her mouth fell open she was staring at him wide eyes and open mouth.

"Miss Bose, I think you need to look where you are going! Don't you think so?!"

She closed her mouth quickly and gulped hard. This man within a matter of a day had infuriated her so much that no-one she stressed no-one in her life had ever managed to do so but him arrgghh he made her want to pull her hair off her head but then at this speed she was going to be bald soon.

Sanskaar had finished collecting all the books for her and while handing them over to her his fingers brushed over hers to which she felt shiver pass through her, he leaned a bit closer to her she could she intensity in his eyes changing from being amused he was staring at her with some intensity she could not even fantom. She could feel his breath fanning over her. It felt like any moment he could kiss her but why would he? 'Snap out of it Swara he is your professor' Her mind said and with quite difficulty she came back with a sarcastic reply,

"it is not me but you who needs to see where you are going PROFESSOR" he chuckled but moved back maybe rather a bit reluctantly too.

"What are you even doing here, in the poetry section of the library anyway?!"
She asked trying to make a last say in the matter but suddenly his pretty blue turned full black and he replied back harshly, "None of your concern."

Swara stepped back, the fear in her eyes made him sigh softly and he replied gently, "Reading poetries is one of my favourite past time, Miss Bose I hope that answers your question"
She nodded quickly and left the section as fast as she could.

"Wohhoo Rajat, Kill it.. " Ragini shouted at the top of her voice it was so loud Swara had to wonder if any breath of air was left in her lungs after that. Swara and Ragini had come to cheer for Rajat for his tennis practice but it was cold out here that they were freezing of their butts "Chill out Rags"

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