Chapter 6- Coffee Date

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Chapter 6

His eyes are so intense I want to look away . . . or never look away, I can't decide.

-Kasie West, The Distance Between Us

She quickly bought the dress and they both walked out of the mall in silence and a for few more minutes they reached a nice, less known and secluded cafe. They had to be careful, even though Swara knew that they both were adults and could have a coffee together having coffee with your professor just sounded wrong her for so many reasons.

So they had to find a place where they would not find many people around, as Swara was new to the area, Sanskaar suggested this place to which Swara agreed.

Swara ordered a full cream cold coffee and Sanskaar ordered for a black coffee. The girl taking their order was openly flirting with Sanskaar which was making Swara uncomfortable, she felt like pulling off all hair off the girls head but managed to not show any emotion on her face. When finally the waitress left without getting any response from Sanskaar.

"Yuck Black coffee" Swara said making disgusted face.

Sanskaar chuckled at her reaction.

"What can I say Miss Bose I have to watch my figure"

"How much more of a big line he wants behind him" Swara muttered under her breath.

And Sanskaar let out a throaty laugh.

Swara's eyes widened 'how did he hear that, she barely heard it herself'

"So what did you want to talk about?" asked Swara hoping that he would not mention what had just happened in the trial room.

"Umm so tell me what brings you here to this University?" He asked looking genuinely concerned.

Swara was in a big delimma, She did not know why but she did not want to lie to this man sitting in front of her but she had no option she could just not blurt out to him that she was here on an undercover mission.

So it was time for Swara to start lying, well in her defence she din't have any other option.

"Well, we used to live in India but dad always wanted to work abroad so when he got a chance he just grabbed it with open hands and mom's a psychiatrist so did not have any problem in moving around, well there will same rules to understand a brain in any place of the world."

Sanskaar was listening to her intently with a small smile on her face. She wanted to blush under her intense gaze.

"And also this is one of the best universities out here so..." She shrugged.

"My Turn" She said hurriedly.

Sanskaar smiled and said, "Ask away madame"

"How old are you?" She asked

"25 years old" He said but there there was an old glint his eyes like he was uncomfortable or something.

"How old are you?" he asked turning the table.

"22" she replied. His brows raised. "Well then how are you still in your first year?"

"well I was not sure which subject to major in so had not decided and then I suffered from an accident 6 months ago, so almost a year wasted then."

When she mentioned her accident she noticed his jaw tightening and his jaw clenching like it left a sour taste in his mouth 'huh confusing much' she thought.

"So yesterday in library you said reading poetry is your hobby?" she asked as if to reassure herself.

When he nodded and narrowed his eyes in question she continued, "Willyoupleasehelpmeinmypoetryassignment" "What?" he raised his brows in question.

Blood Bound - DiscontinuedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora