The beginning

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Bit of a disclaimer from older much wiser OP. This was written when i was a young cringe teenager so expect it to be weird and is not written well tons of grammatical errors so be warned 

This takes place during my street s1

3RD Person

Zane was walking home from work it was raining hard "One more block" He said.

Zane's POV

I could hear someone running from behind me. I turned around and got knocked down by someone in pink.

Kawaii Chan POV

"Sorry Zane-kun Kawaii Chan was trying to get out of the rain" I got up helping Zane-kun up as well. I almost forgot I was in the rain. We began walking home Zane kept eyeing me. It was like that until he threw his jacket to me. I put it on. "Thanks Zane-kun" "Just keep walking" he said. I could feel my head getting hotter and hotter then everything went dark.

Zane's POV

I could feel something very light land on my right arm. I looked over and saw Kawaii-Chan fainted over my arm. "Kawaii-Chan!!" I managed to catch her before she fell to the ground. I held her in my arms I put our foreheads together "She has a fever" I said in my mind. I carried her to my house up the stairs and put her into my bed.

I know this was short and didn't have much Zane-Chan but it will in the next chapter and I will make it longer.

Finally getting around to editing this story in 2020 cant believe it go 60k

Zane x Kawaii Chan-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now