Zane's Dream

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"Kawaii-Chan loves you" "Liar your with him" I looked and saw Garroth behind her. I began force chocking Kawaii-Chan. "Let her go Zane Let her go" Garroth said. I stopped force chocking her Kawaii-Chan fainted. "You turned her against me" I yelled "You have done that yourself" Garroth replied. "You will not take her from me!!" "Your anger and your lust for power have already done that" "You have allowed to twist your mind until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy" "Don't lecture me Garroth I've seen through the he lies of the jedi I do not fear the dark side as you do I HAVE BROUGHT PEACE FREEDOM AND JUSTICE TO MY NEW EMPIRE!!" Your new emprie? Zane my allegiance is to the republic to democracy" "I'd your not with me your my enemy" Garroth ignites his lightsaber "only a sith deals in absolutes I will do what I must " you will try " Zane's ignites his lightsaber.

*epic light saber fight*

Zane x Kawaii Chan-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now