Wedding PT 1: Bachelor Party

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          Zane heard his phone go off he took and it out and looked at it. It was Garroth He answered

Z: Hello

G: Zane can you come to my house


G: It's important okay

"Fine" he answered before hanging up. "I just hope this isn't dumb". Hr arrived at the door he knocked. The door opened. "Hay baby brother come on in" Garroth pushed him in and sat  Zane down on his couch. Garroth sat on his right and Aaron came over and sat on his left. "What is this about?" He asked "Well it's your last night of freedom as a single man" Aaron replied. "This is stupid" Zane got up but Travis and Dante from behind the couch pushed him back down onto the couch. "FINE" Dante came back with bottles of beer. They all started drinking.

*30 mins later*

      Outside the door Michi was putting the finishing touches to make her self look like Kawaii-Chan. Michi turned the door nob it was unlocked surprisingly. All the men now drunk looked at Michi thinking she was Kawaii-Chan their drunkenness sealed the deal. She walked over and took Zanes hand and exited the house. They walked over to Zanes house they entered the house and walked to Zanes room. Michi kissed Zanes first He Kissed her back then one thing leads to another and they fa of the bed 😨😨

Zane x Kawaii Chan-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now