The Date Part 1

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Thanks for 164 views guys!! sorry for taking so long 


Zanes POV

  "Man its going to be one month since we started dating" Zane whispered to himself while brushing his teeth. Zane went downstairs jumping on to the couch just laying there.


  "Maybe we can do something special" I thought to myself.

*Samsung Whistle Notification*

I checked my phone Kawaii-Chan had sent me a text 

KC: Hay Zane-Senpai can I come over?

Z: Sure

KC: Okay I'll be right over

5 Mins Later

I opened the door to Kawaii-Chan jumping on me knocking me down. "Hay Zane-Senpai" as said while pulling my mask down "Hay Kawaii-Ch- ". I interrupted by Kawaii-Chan kissing me.


Across the street Aphmau had her binoculars  "My ship had sailed!!" Then she started Fan Girling.

After they both got up Zane closed the door and took her hand and they both layed down on the couch and cuddled. "Kawaii-Chan can I ask you something?" Zane asked "Yes Zane-Senpai" "Well um... we've been dating almost a month now and I thought we could go somewhere special" "Where did you have in mind Zane-Senpai?" "Well i don't know where ever you want" "Well there is a Japanese Restaurant that just opened maybe we can go there" "Sure babe"  "Wait did you just call Kawaii-Ch-" Zane kissed her 


Sorry it took so long guys. My internet went out and i go to the library for 4 hours to work and my school takes all the time from when i get there to when i end i managed to get History and science done early to get this done 

Zane x Kawaii Chan-CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant