Chapter Six

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"What? It's not like she is special or anything. Everyone around here knows your reputation."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had been right all along. Ty was nothing but a player. I wasn't going to stick around to hear the rest. I stood from the table, knocking back into a chair. The guys didn't seem to notice though. I ran for the back door, eager to get the hell out of here and away from his games.

I can't believe I had even fell for it. I was such an idiot.

There was something about the shake in his voice, the evidence of pain I knew all to well that made me say yes to this stupid idea to begin with. The inner psych major in me wanted to fix him. To mend what was hurting him just like I used to do for people with Jack. I thought it would somehow take my mind off my own pain and guilt by focusing on his.

Tyler had noticed my pain and he had wanted to be there for me. It threw me for a loop because I wasn't expecting something so deep from a guy like him. I figured he would unload on me instead of asking me to unload on him.

When he said he'd rather listen to someone else's problems, I had thought we had found some common ground finally; but that guy walked in and saved me from making a stupid mistake.

Playing into his game any longer would make me hate myself even more than I already did.

As I walked around the corner of the coffee shop, making my way back to the front, I wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into agreeing to go on that stupid tour that he had obviously made up just to get close to me. Now I was sure he wasn't going to leave me alone when all I wanted was to keep my head down.

As I rounded the front to make a clean getaway, I heard the chants of drunken frat boys, egging on someone to fight. I glanced back in the window and realized it was Ty and that guy.

A rush of worry came over me and I turned and walked back in the shop. I didn't want him to get expelled.

Without thinking I grasped Ty's arm and pulled him right out the door.

"Don't be stupid." I hissed as soon as we were out of view. "You might not care about anything but this is stupid."

Ty just stared at me with indifference on his face.

God I've really done it now. Now he surely won't leave me alone. Why didn't I just walk away?

"Why do you even care? I think you made it pretty clear you don't give a damn about me." He said, snatching his arm from my grip as his expression turned to a sneer.

Is this guy bipolar or what? He's like a freaking switch that flips from one emotion to the next. What the hell happened to him?

Flustered, I searched my brain for words.

"You're right its your life not mine. Go ahead and fight him if it's so important." I snapped.

I did care. I didn't want him to ruin his life. I wanted to fix him. It resounded within me like old times and I felt a fraction of who I used to be. I was a fixer. It was a part of me. I had thought that part died with Jack but I was starting to see it didn't. It had just been deeply suppressed.

It ran deeper in me than any other part and I had accepted it as who I was. Jack had accepted it too, in fact he helped me turn it into a talent. It was the reason for my majoring in psychology.

"Are you always such a bitch? Maybe I don't want to get to know you." Ty said, that creepy smile tinged with a vicious tone scaring me enough to snap me from my thoughts.

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