Chapter Seven

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I don't fucking know what I was thinking. It was an idiot move kissing her like that. Of course she would run. She made it very clear she didn't want me, in any way. Not even as a friend.

Why had she even come to the coffee shop? And why was I stupidly egging on Matt and itching for a fight?

I felt amazing when she pulled me out of there. It made me feel like she actually cared, then her tone turned sour and I felt like she was eating me alive.

My irritability and irrationality only fueled the fire that was rapidly raising between us so I did the only thing I could think of, I turned to leave. I knew if I stayed that I would only say things I regret.

When her hand gripped my shoulder, stopping me, I didn't even think about it before turning and kissing her. My hands were shaking, hell my knees were shaking. I was terrified of it all. Kissing her was like second nature to me, and that was far from my normal. I never kissed girls. Kissing led to feelings and feelings were off limits.

Her lips were soft, delicate even, and tasted like cherries. I got lost in it, never wanting to stop.

When she returned the kiss it was like the wind knocked out of me, and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. It seemed like she wanted it as much as I did, then she pushed me away and a horrified look crossed her face. I had went too far.

The way she was making me feel was seriously like whiplash and it scared the shit out of me.

When she turned and ran I wondered what exactly had happened. Had I imagined the whole kiss in my head? I know she felt something, so why did she run? I thought it would change things between us, evidently I was wrong.

The look on her face was disgust. Pure disgust.

I didn't bother going back into the coffee shop. My abandoned coffee was cold anyways. Instead I just got in my car and hauled ass straight for home.

The wind against my skin like this with the top down always seemed to lift my spirits. If I could count on anything in my life, it was the feeling I got when I drove with reckless abandon.

I threw the keys on the counter, as I walked in, and glanced at the clock. It was well past one in the morning, but I wasn't going to try to sleep again. One nightmare was enough for a night.

Instead I turned the tv on, and flipped aimlessly through the channels until I found something half ass decent. My eyes were glued to the screen, not fully paying attention, as I recalled that damn kiss in my head. The kiss that had probably ruined everything.

If anything, it only made me want her more. The way I had felt when her lips were on mine wasn't like anything I'd ever felt before.

With other girls sex was just a means to an end, a distraction from reality. I felt nothing. I barely felt pleasure even when they were in my bed. With Piper I felt a flood of emotions, all of them foreign to me and I had yet to even bed her.

I didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me, but something certainly was.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I yanked it out, wondering why sad lonely girl was up so late. She didn't normally text this late.

I laughed, thinking about how I would never give a goth a chance. So sad lonely girl was a little shallow like me, only this time she had accepted the girl and even liked her. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from her.

Seconds later another text came through.

I smiled knowing that for a moment sad lonely girl felt happy again. I could only wish for those moments, because I didn't know what happiness was and I didn't think I ever would.

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