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Graduation day- Piper

I scanned the crowd, and searched for her. We hadn't talked much over the course of the past year but she promised she would be here. She promised she was finally done soul searching.

Sophie was stood between a tall man with black hair and a woman with blonde ringlets that brought all attention to her face.

A face I had come to know so well.

Why did she bring them here? What good could come of this? I thought I had left those two idiots behind when I aged out of the system.

I pushed through the crowd, pulling Tyler along with me. I scowled as Joey looked me up and down appreciatively. He eyes lingered a second too long and I could hear the low growl that emanated from Tyler's mouth.

I squeezed his hand to assure him I was fine.

"Joey." I said, my tone lingering on disgust. "April."

"Piper." Joey said and again he scanned my body.

April stepped forward, pushed her husband behind her and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I'm so proud of you." She gushed. "Look how wonderful you turned out."

I scoffed, taking a step back and raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah no thanks to you. You were more interested in getting high than any of us children. Sophie what's the meaning of this?" I turned towards my friend and wondered exactly what her end game was here.

"Is this him?" Tyler said, as he stepped up to Joey with his fists clenched.

"Down killer." I said, and pulled him back. "He can't hurt me anymore."

I had thought when I saw him again it would trigger something inside me, but all I felt was indifference. I guess that's what happy did to you.

"Sophie what the hell is your problem? You leave Piper for a whole fucking year and then when you finally come back you bring the guy who assaulted her?" Tyler was seething mad, ready to attack at the moment I said go.

Like my own personal body guard. Or an attack dog. Though I didn't like referring to him as a dog. I'd done that once and he didn't take it well. So instead I just called him 'killer' because he would if I asked him to. Ty would do anything for me, especially hurting those who hurt me.

Sophie stood there not saying a single word. It wasn't like her to keep quiet.

What exactly had changed over the course of the past year?

"Joey didn't attack you Piper, you made all of that up. All we did was take you in when you were a stray. A little respect would be nice." April said, again she pushed her husband behind her. I wondered if she was afraid that Ty was actually going to attack him.

"Some things never change." I muttered, "come on Ty, there's nothing here for me anymore."

I glanced back to Sophie, and frowned at her lack of response. I wondered if she was drugged or something. She wouldn't even meet my eyes so I turned and started to walk away.

"Piper wait!" Sophie finally seemed to snap out of the trance she was in.

I stopped, swirled around and gripped tightly to Ty's hand.

"Why should I wait? Huh?"

She looked at April, then at Joey, almost as if asking permission and then took a step towards me.

"I brought them here for a reason." She said quietly. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "They have something that belongs to you, but in order to get it I have to throw myself under the bus. It's not easy you know, loving you."

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