Chapter Twelve

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I woke with a start, sweat beading around my forehead.

Sophie was sitting beside the bed staring at me. I jumped, crawling back against the wall and pulled the covers tighter around me.

"What the hell Soph?" I asked, wrapping the covers even tighter around me. It was my cocoon. My cocoon of safety.

I was an odd mix of hot and cold, confused and angry.

"Sorry. I was just making sure you were breathing." She said, hanging her head.

"You scared the shit out of me."

She stood, pacing the room.

"I'm going crazy here Piper. I'm freaking out."

"Why?" I asked, suddenly on high alert as I jumped out of bed.

"Well its just we left the apartment a mess and when we came back it was clean and things were different. Where did this blanket come from? And where is the old one?" She pointed wildly at the blanket I had clutched tightly in my hands.

"Wait, you didn't buy this?" I asked, confusion and fear settling in my stomach again.

"I never left the hospital Piper." She said, her voice shaking.

Someone knows.

I gripped the blanket tighter, noticing for the first time the smell that lingered on it. It was a woodsy smell, with a trace of musk.



I yanked my phone off the desk, powering it on and scrolling through my contacts for Johnny. I ignored the ping of a text, knowing it was probably just Mindy.

"It's Johnny." He said into the phone.

"Give me his address." I said.

"Whose address?"

"You know who. Give it to me." Sophie was staring at me, blinking in confusion.

"I can't Piper, I'm sorry." He didn't sound too sorry.

"You gave him mine. It's only fair you give me his." I said, the panic clear in my voice.

"If I give it to you, he will ruin me." Now Johnny sounded almost afraid.

"I don't fucking care. Give it to me or I will ruin you." I was on a roll now.

"624 Clover Lane Apartment 12A. I didn't give you that though Piper, I'm serious."

I hung up without another word, scrawling the address on a small piece of paper and balling it up into my hand.

"What's going on Piper? Who was that?" Sophie asked, moving to block the door.

"Move." I said through clenched teeth. "Move now or I'll make you move."

She didn't even hesitate, she just stepped away and I ran through the door without looking back.


I raised my fist to knock on the wooden door. It was the penthouse apartment. The only penthouse in the place. It probably cost as much as my monthly tuition. I guess the rumors about his wealth were true.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I heard a groan, then shuffling, and finally the door opened. Ty froze in his spot, staring at me with wide eyes.

"How did you find me?" He asked.

"A mutual friend. Have you been in my room?" I pushed past him, taking in the penthouse as I waltzed right in like I owned the place.

Dear Jack (Visual Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat