I So Tried To Stop This But Just Couldnt Help It.

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A/N: So here's the new chapter. I apologize if I took too long. I needed Wi-Fi. Enjoy :)

Chapter 8
Marina's POV

He sat there speechless and still. My news of leaving him for some time has hit him hard.

Ange and I are inseparable and every time he goes off on tour, I stay home missing him so bad. He's the most important person in my life and I can't believe that some one so close to him as Chris, Balz and Ricky would drive me away from him like this.

"Is there...a reason of why you feel you have to leave? I mean, do you not like living with me? Is it me?..." Ange asked, softly. It was obvious that he was hurt and I had to hold back tears threatening to spill.

"No, Angelo. I just....I really miss seeing Jared. We talk every day and I want to see his face again. That is all, really." I whispered, moving my empty plate farther away from me. Angelo sighed and looked down at the table with his elbows on it.

I held his hand and cupped it in mine.

He looked up slowly and forced a weak smile. "That makes sense. He was important in your life and you two are still very close. But tell me something..." I nod and listen.

"After you and...Xero had...uh...ugh...intercourse..." I gasped and made him chuckle. "...did you two get together...like dating or whatever?" I blush and feel the guilt.

"Uh...no...nothing between us at all." And I mean that but I'm thinking of another guy.

I regret ever thinking I was in love with Christopher Thomas Cerulli. Big mistake.

"Well, good, I guess." He muttered with a sigh of relief. I clear my throat and shake the thoughts of that bastards name from my head.

"When do you plan on leaving?" He asked, softly. I sigh and look down at my hands.

"Tomorrow or....tonight....if it's possible." He seemed sadder and it broke my heart even more.

"Ugh, why so soon, Mari? I want to spend time with you." He sighed. I held his hand up to my face and kissed it.

"Ange, I'll miss you, so much. But just think of it as if like...I'm the one off on tour instead of you. This was how I always felt when you were away from me. I missed you like crazy." He smiles and cups my hands.

"I know and I feel the same, maybe worse because I think I miss you even more than you miss me." He chuckled softly.

I giggled and felt a vibration in my pocket.

"I got a text. Probably Jared." I muttered, taking out my phone.

It wasn't Jared. It was the last person I want to talk to right now.

Chris: Marina....please let me explain. We have to talk.

Why the hell would he think that he can apologize over a text. I will not accept any type of apology from that prick. He deserves everything that he'll get from this. He's torn me and my illusion of finally being crazy in love with him apart. I was really falling for him, but he ruined it.

One day I'll get my vengeance on him and Josh. I'm not sure if I should attack Ricky because he never really forced himself on me...yet. But I'm sure he was gonna just to win that stupid bet.

"Uh...Marina? You Ok?" Ange brought me back from my thoughts. I smile and put my phone away without answer.

"Anyways...let's just enjoy this because... Jared texted me and said he has my room ready. I'll catch a plane to Phoenix later tonight and call you when I arrive. Trust me, Ange, it's best for me right now." I said, softly, feeling my voice crack up a little. He sighed and muttered a few words. "I'll be all lonely."

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